First positive test for SARMs in sports


New member
Although SARMs have been in the United States since late 2007, this is the first drug test that caught someone using them. Michael Harrington of the Minor League Baseball team, The Miracle (a farm team for The Minnesota Twins), has been handed a 50 game suspension after testing positive for Andarine. Andarine is the SARM (previously called S4) we see widely available on various discussion boards and websites (although it has been incorrectly identified as “Ostarine” by everyone, including Wikipedia as well as reputable scientific journals and retailers/wholesalers – including myself). Andarine is, I believe S1, if we’re interested in that correction.
Andarine (which is what everyone has been using) is very similar in nearly every way to Ostarine, at least in mechanism of action and structure, but with some minor differences that may prove to be of major importance. However, it should be noted that real Ostarine is about to make it’s appearance on the black market, probably some time this Summer.

-Anthony Roberts