FINAPLIX-H, Implants 200mg per dose

CJ Buff

New member
I came across a site at pharm-stock that sells these implants and was curious to see if the liquid could be extracted and used like FINAJECT?

CJ ???
Yes, you can convert the pellets into an injectable.  There are some good kits made to do so... actually converting some today.
Sterile Kit $25.00

1 vail with secrete solution
1 vial with sterile oil
1 sterile empty vial
1 10cc syringe
1 5cc syringe
1 0.45 GD/X sterile syringe filter
2 18g needles
1 filter

From  Is this the type of kit I need?  If so how many for 4000mg of pellets?

Thanks a million guys I got all the info and am in the process of ordering my kit from animal...  Just one more question, should I go with the EZ kit, or the regular kit?

bump for question on EZ kit vs. Regular...  I am ready to order, just need to know which would be best for conversion.
