Sup Help


New member
I feel like Ive become a supplement test dummy. I need some ideas of what truely works for others. Im tired of reading misleading lables and ads. I am trying to gain 25 lbs of muscle mass. I want to do as much as I can in about 2 months.
hey bobk....
thats why we are here stud!!

why dnt you start off by telling us your stats : age, height, weight, diet, training reg, what your taking now, future goals, etc...

that way we ll have more info to better guide ya
What Jon said.... I want to tell you it is very very difficult to gain 25lbs of pure muscle in two months.
Supplementation is the icing on the cake- not the cake itself.
If you don't have the cornerstones in place that JF stated in his post, then supps will not do anything for you.
Without hearing any of your stats, I could at least tell you what has worked for me. In the past I was a supplement test dummy as well, until I learned my money was better spent elsewhere. Today, I only use creatine monohydrate. However, I think BCAA's and L-Glutamine should be included in the basics. Every now and then I'll try a new supplement to see what the rave is about, but rarely do I find anything worth the money.
25lbs of muscle is hard to do in 12 months, let alone 2... and really be muscle, and not just water and fat.
try those muscletech products. They say they make you gain weight pretty quick. :satan:
What Jon said.... I want to tell you it is very very difficult to gain 25lbs of pure muscle in two months.
Supplementation is the icing on the cake- not the cake itself.
If you don't have the cornerstones in place that JF stated in his post, then supps will not do anything for you.
i think wat you meant to say is its hard to gain 25lbs of weight in 2 months, which it is, but 25lbs of muscle is impossible in 2 months, out of the 25 pounds you will maybe get a couple that are muscle.

25lbs of muscle is hard to do in 12 months, let alone 2... and really be muscle, and not just water and fat.

thats right, its not hard to put on water and fat, but growing lean muscle tissue takes a long time.
Im 35, 5'7, 175lbs today.Until recently I had never weighed over 160. Military so Ive been exercising 5 days a week for the past 14 year. Started lifting about 3 months ago with a goal to reach 200lbs. 1.5 to 2 hours lifting a day, 4 on 1 off. Tomorrow I start lifting twice a day. I cut cardio so I dont burn off what im trying to put on. Intake 200+ grams of protein and I cant really count carbs where I am. Taking creatine and L-Glutamine as per directions on the tub with the protein and use Jack3D for pre workout. Im currently undestracted by the fun things in life like Sex and Beer (again because of where I am) so I can focus on my goal. I have a couple of months left and if I cant reach 200 then I will take what I can get. I think I need to stop the protein drinks, starting to feel fat and bloated. Another reason I wanted opinions. I dont care about taste only the gains. Im just tired of taking stuff that I dont see any improvement.
training twice a day doesnt equal twice as much growth mate, ive done it before and honestly i grow alot better from a 4 or 5 day split, unless one training session is for a bit of cardio, i really think its too much theres only so much you can fatigue your body in a day and i feel as if one workout will take away from the intensity of the other, my advice keep your 5 day split train with high intensity and get the job done, that way you have the rest of the day to eat and grow.
also mate, dont cut out your protein shakes they will be your best friend to putting on muscle aside from eating real food, if your feeling bloated/ fat theres a good chance its your creatine since it causes water retention. dont worry about that too much 2 months down the track you can get off the creatine and you will lose the water just as easy as you put it on. the main thing you dont want to do is be one of those guys who try to stay as lean as possible while putting on size, because i garuntee you, you will be cutting yourself short from your potential gains, 2 months isnt a long time so you wont put on much fat at all anyway just try and eat as much as you can and get all the protein shakes into you that you can get your hands on and train hard and you will put on muscle.
big lifter is right. You don't grow in the gym, rest is just as important as any other aspect of bodybuilding. I also agree about keeping the protein shakes. If you're mixing them in milk and feel bloated, try them in water instead. Or perhaps a different kind of protein (I don't know what you're using). Just eat, eat, eat......and then eat some more. Wake up in the middle of the night and have a shake. After you eat a meal with whole food, chase it with a shake. Mix olive oil in your shake for extra calories. 2 TBSP of EVOO is about 250 calories. Do that twice a day and that's an EASY 500 calorie bump.