When Pros retire


New member
When pros retire do you think they go back to what their average size would be. I mean after all the gear, hgh, slin etc, they should still be able to be well above average dont you think?
When pros retire do you think they go back to what their average size would be. I mean after all the gear, hgh, slin etc, they should still be able to be well above average dont you think?
I think so, some what. Look at Dorian Yates. Hes still pretty big, and old
Not back to their original size for sure. I'm sure they will lose a little size, but I'm sure they are on a HRT-like maintanence dose and should be able to hold on to most of their muscle with that I would think.
When I met Ian Harrison he had just retired and was still huge for years after when I lost touch with him, but he hadn't cut back on much it seemed. When I met Flex in 2007 I was substantially bigger than he was. It looked like he never touched a weight. He was also the one who allegedly had the myostatin gene... of course that's before synthol use became widestream and accepted. I would say it can go either way.
if they keep training hard and eating right with TRT, they can keep an impressive look...but nothing like their glory days.