suspension problems


New member
Grab a bottle of test suspension. I am using 22 ga. needles and having problem getting it out the vial.I s this normal or is it bad.The exp. date is dec 05.,
If the flakes in the suspension are big  they clog,make sure your shaking it real good 1st. I had the same trouble this cycle with AnabolicST(australian winny). It would draw up witha 23 with no problem...then I'd stick and ....fuck....push hard on the plunger and nothing....aspirate...restick...push...nothing. So I got some 22ga...worked 50% of the time,jammed the other 50%. I finally got some 20ga they have worked every time with the win susp but sometimes after starring at that fat 20ga I say fuck it and just drink the shit,to bad you don't have that option with test susp. ;)
try drawing up a little bit of oil based AS or just some oil to lubricate the needle and then draw up the suspension and then inject.  I have heard this method works to keep water based injectables such as susp and winny from clogging the needle.