MC igf length

New Breed

New member
Just wanted to hear from guys who have been on for more than 8 weeks. What have you noticed? Have you increased the does throughout your time on? Are you dosing everyday? How long have you been on? I found a half bottle of MC igf that I've and decided to run it so I ordered 2 more bottles. I'm asking because I want to try running on cycle (400 enth, 400 primo, 100 var for 10 weeks) but continue using it as a bridge with hrt dose of test (125) before begining my next cycle.
I've done a cycle of 80-100mcg daily for more than eight weeks, and the stuff just kept on working. I think I respond very well to it I suppose. Awesome stuff. If I could I would be on it all year round.
Yeah thanks. I've used it in the past a few times but 7 weeks was as long as I've run it. I am going to get a few more
Bottles and just run until it runs out. If the effects are less noticeable I'll bump up in 10mcg increments. When it gets toward the end of what I have now I'll re up or stop for a while. Presser you help me the last time I ran it. If your beard gains are after week 6 how long have you been
Able to sustain gains or started to see diminishing returns?