Is flavored water allowed?


New member
I was just wondering if it's ok to use water flavoring packets in my water? I love water, but sometimes I get tired of just plain water :p
What do you mean by 'allowed'? For dieting? For general health?

I personally stay away from artificial sweeteners, preservatives and chemicals as much as possible. Try adding a little lemon juice and a couple drops of stevia. Makes a delicious lemonade. Add some lime juice too to change it up sometimes. Or take a 4-5 inch piece of ginger. Peel it and cut it into thin slices. Boil it in 4 cups water for 8-10 minutes. Strain the water into a jar. Add stevia to taste and some vanilla extract. Now you have ginger ale concentrate. Mix 1/3 of the concentrate mix with 2/3 seltzer water and you have homemade ginger all that is delicious and actually has all the health benefits of ginger.