Benefits of vitamin C


New member
Here are some benefits of vitamin c are...
1 Boosts Immunity
2 Anti-Oxidant
3 Prevents CardioVascular Disease
4 Lowers blood pressure
5 Fight and prevent against cancer.
the best benifit for using vit c when competeting is the flushing out of water from the body, couple about 10,000mg of vit c with 8-10litre of water for a week and you will be bone dry if all your other diet needs and gear is done correctly. cheap easy way to reduce allot of water retention
Well, my skin wounds and cuts takes a lot of time to be healed properly. Can I use
vit C for that?
I've a slight idea of it. :(
Vitamin C

I must say you've mentioned all the benefits of Vitamin C.........Thanks for sharing such information.
Thanks for sharing about it . I would say that Vitamin C is essential nutrient for body . I would also like to know from you .
Hi All,
Great threat on vitamin C health benefits and like to add some more health benefits here:
6. Vitamin C lowers blood pressure,
7. Vitamin C fight against bacteria, viruses, and infection,
8. Vitamin C prevents us from atherosclerosis,
Hi friends,
I would also like to share some benefits of vitamin C:
1. It heals your burns, cuts, injuries and burns quickly.
2. It is a good vitamin to cure common cold.
3. It keeps you away from cancer diseases.
4. It is good for eyes as our eye lens require vitamin C.
5. It is good for diabetes.
Vitamin C helps our body to stay fit and healthy, it has a important role in regulating our body and helps to control blood pressure. A major benefit of vitamin C is that the strength it gives to our immune system and allow us to recover from common cold quickly and it keeps you away from scurvy disease which occurs due to the deficiency of vitamin C.
Vitamin C has been shown to lower high blood pressure level, and therefore lessen the probability of high blood pressure, as well as the serious illnesses that follow, such as cardiac arrest.
Along with lowering your high blood pressure level, supplement C ensures proper dilation of veins, which can prevents such diseases as coronary artery disease, high-cholesterol, congestive heart failure, and angina pectoris.
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Exactly what does vitamin C deliver to a person’s overall health? Before everything else, it gives you a number of health and fitness benefits for people who ingest this specific vitamin on a continuous basis. A pair of the most significant positive aspects of typical vitamin c absorption tend to be young-looking skin tone and also healthful gyms. Yet another great importance of the particular vitamin is actually the actual assimilation of mineral, for example iron, that is essential, particularly for those who find themselves clinically determined for being anemic. Individuals who consistently consume this kind of vitamin will see that they can get pleasure from quick restorative healing of the injuries and also cuts. Vitamin C additionally acts within the unwinding and strengthening of the protecting coating of the individual’s breathing areas. Vitamin C will also help people take advantage of health improvements, such as the elimination of lungs issues, such as flu virus, typical cold, and also a variety of various other lung bacterial infections.

Individuals constantly link vitamin c in conjunction with the wellness of a person’s defense mechanisms. Vitamin C is important for health. Precisely what does Vitamin C actually do to a person's health and wellbeing and defense mechanisms? It will help for the reduction of free-radicals, that if alone, can make critical chaos of the patient's health and wellbeing. Similarly, it assists the body’s defense mechanisms to achieve strong and robust human body by common detoxing. By means of this type of a method, the physique gets rid of virtually all harmful toxins from the body. The liver demands vit c to be able to help the eradicating of toxic compounds out of the body system.
Thanks for sharing such a wonderful and interesting knowledge about vitamin C and its benefits.
Can anyone tell me some major sources of vitamin C?
2g pre alcohol, 2g when you get home, 2g the morning after =zero hangover for me,

Without vit9 I'm dieing all weekend.

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