

Okay so I have been doing this type of training for 6 weeks now. I have never been so sore, I mean cannot touch my chest sore. Which is awesome cuz I don't know about you guys but sometimes I will tear it up in the gym, feel great and not get sore at all and wonder did I do enough? Anyway this was developed my Hany Rambod. I'm hoping when I diet down to see some improvement, cannot tell yet but it is kicking my ass. Also I am never in the gym longer than an hour and usually less than that. Here is a sample from him. My trainer does this, Cutler, Heath and lots of others.

Sample FST-7 Workout

Sample Basic FST-7 Bodypart Routines


Close-grip bench press 3-4 x 8-12
Weighted or machine dip 3 x 8-12
Overhead cable extension 7 x 8-12
(beginner and intermediate)
Skull crushers <WBR>7 x 8-12

Leg extensions <WBR>3-4 x 8-15
Squats <WBR>4 x 8-12
Hack squat or leg press 3 x 8-15
Leg extension or leg press 7 x 8-15


Incline dumbbell press 3-4 x 8-12
Incline dumbbell flye 3 x 8-12
Flat Hammer or dumbbell press 3 x 8-12
Pec deck or cable crossover 7 x 8-12


Seated dumbbell press <WBR>4 x 8-12
Barbell or dumbbell front raise 3 x 8-12
Dumbbell lateral raise 3 x 8-12
Lateral raise machine <WBR>7 x 8-12


Warm-up: <WBR>
Neutral-grip chin-ups <WBR>3 x failure
Wide-grip pulldowns <WBR>3 x 8-12
Barbell row <WBR>3 x 8-12
Hammer Strength row <WBR>3 x 8-12
Machine or cable pullover 7 x 8-15

Lying leg curls <WBR>3-4 x 10-15
Stiff-leg deadlift <WBR>3-4 x 10-12
Single leg curl <WBR>3-4 x 10-15 each leg
Seated leg curls <WBR>7 x 10-15


Dumbbell shrugs* <WBR>3-4 x 8-12
Machine shrugs <WBR>7 x 8-12
*Proper form consists of leaning head and torso slightly forward and shrugging up to an imaginary point behind your ears - do not roll shoulders. Reps should be done slowly with an emphasis on squeezing the contraction point for a full one-second count.

Rear delts

Dumbbell rear lateral raise 3-4 x 12-15
Reverse pec flye or cable 7 x 12-15
Rear laterals


Standing calf raise <WBR>4 x 10-12
Seated calf raise <WBR>4 x 15-20
Leg press or calf sled raise 7 x 10-12

This is just a sample, I do not necessarily do these exact exercises as I do have to work around injuries but what you want to do it on those last sets get a stopwatch run your 7 sets with 30seconds ONLY of rest in between and while in between you are flexing what muscle you are working.
I've been thinking about trying this out or the one that Zeus is doing, but we'll see what happens. How long are you planning on training like this?
Looks like a solid routine. I was actualy thinking about trying Fst-7 but Y3T was a better fit for me.
I have been meaning to get more info from you on this. This looks totally brutal to me. Are all those sets to failure?? How large are the weight drops during the 7 sets with 30 seconds between while flexing?? How are you not cramping to hell and back?? Volume has never worked for me, but I'm always willing to try something new.
Yeah I have heard good things about the Y3T as well. Trainer told me to do this so that is what I do, as far as how long it will last, I have no idea Dude, till she says otherwise I suppose. It is hard but I have gotted used to it. I'm not running a ton of gear right but I still get very pumped, trained chest the other day and during that last set my chest was purple. For that last set I go as heavy as I can in order to get the 12 reps but as it progresses the weight drops quite a bit. When I do biceps I have to drop the weight fast as I cannot move, and with back the weight drops quite a bit cuz I am so tired. I actually go to 15 reps for the last set for calves, shoulders and tris. And yes it is to failure Dude but like I said the weight drops. This was a sample from Hany's site, I can show you my program at the gym one day if you like Dude.

I have been meaning to get more info from you on this. This looks totally brutal to me. Are all those sets to failure?? How large are the weight drops during the 7 sets with 30 seconds between while flexing?? How are you not cramping to hell and back?? Volume has never worked for me, but I'm always willing to try something new.