

New member
just curious if anyone here has tried this peptide? from what i've read it seems pretty interesting
I haven't ever heard of it. What pathway is it supposed to work through?? I haven't had positive experiences with new peptides. In my experience most seem to be mostly hype with little real world results. I stick with the tried and true peptides now.
All i know about it is some second hand info. May or may not be credible...Apparently its being studied by glaxosmithkline right now for the treatment of obesity. Also there are claims that it significantly increases muscle endurance as well.
For the fatties it is supposedly 'exercise in a bottle'.
Just started my research subject on it, Got it from Ergopep. 3 days in, first 5mgs in the morning then went another 5 mgs in the afternoon. definitely warmer, but I wouldnt say hot. Also Subject fell asleep around 11pm Earlier then usual.

By third day subject went to 20mgs total and HOT. Gonna back down form that. Subject hasnt noticed increase of endurance as of yet. But mainly looking for fat loss.

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