Garnett stays with Boston!


I like Garnett and glad he got the cash he wanted from Boston .. But what really burns me is OKC is pawnin off my friend Ray Allen and the fricken HEAT are trying to get him.. Let's all pray no way..he's not for keep up on this cause ure the Howard Cossell of mc ..tanks
I love the fact that KG is coming back and I think with them drafting Sullinger and Fab Melo along with KG and Pierce being there will be enough to get Allen to stay in Boston and make another run
I think adding Fab Mello was a great pick but I don't think Dillinger will play any kind of role in the NBA. Too small for acenter and can't shoot well enough from the top of the key to be a quality 4. Hope Allen resigns for 2 more years!
I agree that Sullinger is too small, but I think he'll bulk up and learn a lot from KG and Pierce and hopefully develop his game because it definitely needs it