Viagra juice


Good recipe I found for those with a juicer

1 watermelon rind.. 1" thick by 10" long .. Only 1/4"'of the red and skin on..
2 8" carrots
1 apple
2 celery sticks
Taste rating.. 7 out of 10..
Add more of the red watermelon if you prefer more sweet..
I would say if you can shoot anything out of your Dick and make it accross the street, you're a winner!
HI all
fresh juices is good for skin and eye wrinkles and body muscles if we drink before breakfast.Watermelon alone may not be enough to keep naughty bits behaving perfectly, but keeping blood flowing freely to all the right places can't hurt.
Well the neighbors COCKer spaniel got hit by the city bus so i never got the chance to reload..i set up by eating a whole watermelon with a 1000seeds for the machine gun effect so i got a nasty abrasion on my chin the other night..thanks for are so kind.....
Viagra juice was the first time heard,and may be it provide more energy to the body in that sense so we need here more detail about it what would be its timing and what the bad effects for the body?
Viagra juice was the first time heard,and may be it provide more energy to the body in that sense so we need here more detail about it what would be its timing and what the bad effects for the body?

Oh how coincidental.. Today was last day for the super v joose. Timing was perfect the racoon that was stealing my cats food is now dead from rappid fire to it's torso..The only bad effect is I wish it wood stay longer..