Typical M1T doses for highly anabolic and somewhat androgenic cycle


Staff member
M1T is a methylated oral steroid that was first researched in the 1950′s for medical purposes, but never introduced as a prescription drug. The name M1T is short for 17-alpha-methyl-1-dehydroandrostanolone, and it may also appear under the name 17-alpha-methyldihydroboldenone. M1T was sold over the counter as a supplement until January of 2005, when it was banned and became an illegal anabolic steroid.
M1T is significantly more anabolic than it is androgenic, but it is still fairly androgenic. This makes androgenic side effects such as acne, hair loss, and heightened blood pressure and cholesterol somewhat of a concern. M1T cannot convert to estrogen, but being a Primobolan derivative it does have moderate progestational activity, so side effects such as gynecomastia and bloating are still a concern. It would probably not be a good idea to stack M1T with another steroid that does aromatise to estrogen unless an anti-estrogen is used as well. M1T, like Superdrol and some other methylated steroids, is an inhibitor of the enzyme 11-beta hydroxylase. This causes M1T to have a water loading effect in which the muscles swell due to water retention. This effect can bring instant gratification because the user appears to have put on instant size, but something to realize is that this engorged look that the muscles have on-cycle will dissipate quickly once the cycle is ended. A couple more side effects to note with M1T are lethargy on cycle due to the high anabolic to androgenic ratio of M1T and liver stress due to the fact that M1T is c-17a methylated. Stacking M1T with a more androgenic steroid can help balance the cycle and resolve this issue.
Typical dosage of M1T falls in the range of 5-10 mg/day for cycles of 6-8 weeks, while some users go as high as 20 mg/day. Cycles longer than 8 weeks are definitely not recommended due to the stress that M1T puts on the liver. At dosages at high as 20 mg/day, it would be a good idea to have liver enzymes monitored during and after the cycle.
OK, so here’s what M1T can do for you, and here is what to look out for! M1T is a very potent mass builder, but it does come with a long list of side effects. Watch out for acne, hair loss, liver stress, lethargy, and gynecomastia. Try stacking M1T with a more androgenic steroid to combat lethargy. Also, if you are stacking M1T with another steroid that converts to estrogen, you may want to use an anti-estrogen.
M1T is very effective.
my views on M1T say from Andro Technologies (17-Methyl-1-androstene-17b-oi-3one) take 10mg to a max of 20 mgs for 14 days on 14 off I say don't take more then 10 mgs period per day.,hard on the system and a friend did 10 mg per day for 160 days so two 80 tab bottles and nearly died from liver failure.....not a great idea to abuse this. and spend months in the hospital.