Myo blast???????


New member
Anyone here of this? A freind told me it was brand new and hasn't hit the markets yet. He said that it is suposed to increase protien obsortion alot. Actually he told me that it eliminates the protien ceiling that your body has but I think he's just exagerating.

Any info?
The active ingredient in all those myostatin type products is something that is derived from a sea plant called Cystoseira canariensis. Pinnacle now has juiced protein which suppossedly has the same stuff in it. Now, I do not know if it's just a chemical isolated from this sea algae or something made from the algea. I'm very skeptical of these natural myostatin inhibitor products. They are so new that there isn't much feedback to know if they work or not except from the companies that make them. If it is simply a chemical in the plant Cystoseira canariensis then I think bodybuilders would save there money and buy this sea plant dried in bulk and eat it. I've been looking to see if this MyoZap stuff is just an isolate of the plant or something made from it, but from what I read I cannot tell. If it's an isolate then eating this sea plant may in fact work (that's assuming the product even works). I've even looked online for this plant because I was thinking of eating large quantities of it to see if it produced any results but haven't been able to find it. If anyone finds out a place that sells bulk dried Cystoseira canariensis let me know and I'll eat large quantitties of it to see what happens unless I find that it has to be manufactured from it. I mean shit, if Cystoseira canariensis has a chemical in it that inhibits myostatin then why not simply save money and eat tons of this sea algea, absobing more of this chemical than u ever could in a protein shake? later,,,bigjosh
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That myostatin blocker stuff is bullshit. Plain and simple. Scientists have blocked the gene by removing the gene earlier in rat growth and by injecting rats with something under very controlled circumstatnces. Not by feeding them seeweed. These companies only cite the fact that myostatin has been blocked by scientists but not the fact that they did it without anything that is contained in the seaweed pills they sell you.