Fitness for Short


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  • 1RM: One Rep Max -- The maximum amount of weight that can be lifted one time.
  • 5K: A running race which covers 5 kilometers
  • 5RM: Five Rep Max -- The maximum amount of weight that can be lifted five reps.
  • ATG: Ass-To-Grass/Ground -- A squat performed low enough that the trainee is nearly sitting on the ground
  • BB: Barbell
  • BCAA: Branched-chain Amino Acid -- BCAA's are a supplement combination of three amino acids (building blocks of protein): leucine, isoleucine and valine. Generally taken to promote the increase in lean mass and reduce recovery time.
  • BF%: Bodyfat Percentage -- The amount of a person's body weight that is due to body fat. This is the preferable metric compared to Body Mass Index (BMI) but is more difficult to determine.
  • BP: Bench press or (less frequently) blood pressure
  • BW: Body Weight
  • C25K: Couch To 5K -- A nine week beginner's running program that is designed to help an untrained enthusiast gradually become capable of running a 5K.
  • CC: Convict Conditioning -- A popular bodyweight strength training program.
  • CM: Cheat Mode diet -- A popular variant of an Intermittent Fasting program developed by Fittit's own silverhydra. See/r/cheatmode.
  • DB: Dumbbell
  • DL: Deadlift -- A movement that entails bending over and picking up a weight from the floor using the legs and back.
  • DOMS: Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness -- The muscular aches felt in the 1-3 days that follow a strenuous workout.
  • EC Stack: Ephedrine and Caffeine -- A combination of these two stimulants used to increase the rate at which body fat is burned.
  • ECA Stack: Ephedrine, Caffeine, and Aspirin -- The addition of Aspirin to an EC Stack is thought to reduce some of the cons of the stimulants
  • GHR: Glute Ham Raise -- An exercise used to strength the hamstrings.
  • KB: Kettlebell. See /r/kettlebell.
  • keto: Ketogenic diet -- An ultra low-carb/high fat diet designed to keep the body in a status of ketosis. See /r/keto.
  • IF: Intermittent Fasting -- A dieting technique of purposely not eating for 12-24 hours (depending on the specific plan) at a time.
  • LG: LeanGains -- Combination of IF with heavy lifting. See /r/leangains.
  • OHP: Overhead Press -- A type of barbell movement that entails lifting the bar from shoulder height to over one's head.
  • paleo: Paleolithic diet -- A nutritional plan based on the presumed ancient diet of wild plants and animals that various human species habitually consumed during the Paleolithic era. See /r/paleo.
  • PL: PowerLifter/PowerLifting -- A sport that focuses on the development of maximum strength in three types of weight lifting events: squat, bench press, and deadlift. Also see /r/weightroom.
  • PR: Personal Record -- The maximal amount of weight an individual has ever personally lifted.
  • PWO: Pre- or Post-workout -- Generally used in the context of food or a beverage consumed immediately before or after a workout, "PWO shake, PWO meal, etc." Clarifcation as to whether the user means pre- or post- will need to be sought if their use is unclear.
  • RDL: Romanian Deadlift -- A variant of the deadlift performed with little to no knee bend in order to target the hamstrings and lower back muscles.
  • ROM: Range of Motion - the distance a joint or limb travels during exercise.
  • SS: Starting Strength -- A beginner barbell program by Mark Rippetoe
  • SL: Strong Lifts 5x5 -- A beginner barbell program by Mehdi Hadim
  • TGU: Turkish Get-Up -- An exercise common in the kettlebell community