1,4,6 Androstatriene-dione (ATD)


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[h=2]1,4,6 Androstatriene-dione (ATD)[/h]
Chemical Name(s):

Chemical Formula:

Molecular Weight:


Q Qatio:

Anabolic #:

Androgenic #:

Oral Bioavailability:
Estimated at 4%

AR Binding Affinity:

SHBG Binding Affinity:

Half Life:
2 days

Legal Status (US):
Not listed as a controlled substance

Average Dose:

Average Cycle Length:
4-8 weeks

Ratings (On Scale of -5 to +5):

Muscle Gain: 0
Strength Gain: 0
Fat Gain (Negative Indicates Fat loss): 0
Water Retention: 0
Aggression: 0
Libido: -2
Acne: 0
Hair Loss: 0
Prostate Enlargement: 0
Liver Toxicity: 0
Lethargy 0


ATD is a steroidal aromatase inhibitor, known as a suicidal inhibitor because it permanently binds to the aromatase enzyme.

ATD is used for its aromatase inhibiting and testosterone boosting effect. Its effectiveness at lowering estrogen appears to be stronger than 6-oxo. It converts to 1,4,6-testosterone, which would also be expected to cause falsely high readings for a testosterone analysis.

The 1,4,6-testosterone metabolite of ATD can also bind to the androgen receptor (AR) and induce androgenic (or possibly anti-androgenic) effects similar to what is seen from 6-oxo. This would be expected since 1,4,6-testosterone has about one third the binding affinity for the AR, therefore it may interefere with the anabolic or androgenic action of hormones which bind the androgen receptor.

ATD would also be expected to interfere with production of natural testosterone by acting upon the hypothalamus pituitary testicular axis (HPTA), therefore this compound should not be used during post cycle therapy (PCT), however it could successfully be used during a cycle to help keep estrogen in control. Anecdotal reports and animal studies have also shown ATD inhibits libido and general sexual potency.

Common Clones:

Arom-X by Advanced Muscle Science (AMS)
AIFM by Anafit
ATD MAX by Anabolic Formulations
ATD-JET by Molecular Developments
Reversitol by IForce


Effect of an inhibitor of aromatization, 1,4,6 androstatriene-3,17-dione (ATD) on LH release and steroid binding in hypothalamus of adult female rats.

Exp Brain Res. 1986;64(3):407-10.
Slama A, Gogan F, Sarrieau A, Vial M, Rostene W, Kordon C.

Effects of ATD on male sexual behavior and androgen receptor binding: a reexamination of the aromatization hypothesis.
ME Kaplan and MY McGinnis
Horm Behav, Mar 1989; 23(1): 10-26.

Anabolic Pharmacology
Seth Roberts (2009)​