ORAL TURINABOL High Anabolic effect with a relatively low androgenic component, BLOAT


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Oral Turinabol has the greatest anabolic effect which is combined with a relatively low androgenic component. On a scale of 1 to 100 androgenic effect is low - only 6, and anabolic 53rd For comparison androgenic effect of Dianabol is 45, and the anabolic of 90. Oral Turinabol has a much smaller effect than Dianabol.

It is not a steroid, and are quickly rising in strength and muscle mass. Achievable results compared quite obvious lean muscle mass. Used for more than a few weeks, noticeable power increase. Athletes taking Turinabol does not look swollen, say like using Test D'bol, Anadrol.

The maximum concentration is achieved with 10, 20 or 40 mg per day. Testosterone increases the concentration of 1.5, 3.5 or 4.5 times. This clearly demonstrates the effectiveness of this compound, depending on the size of the dose. Weighing about 100kg athlete should take only 20mg per day. Experienced bodybuilders taking 8-10 pills, which is 40-50mg per day.Numerous enthusiast says that success has been achieved with this dosage. Visible strength gain, very low water retention and estrogen-induced side effects are very rare. No longer need to Oral Turinabol popular among the many labor representatives, who evaluated these properties.

Turinabol is suitable for both women and men. Frequent and effective course - together with the combination winstrol'iu. This should reduce body fat dietary period, increasing the efficiency of fat burning products (Cleabuterol, Ephedrin, Salbutanol).

Frequently Asked Questions related to the number of days before the doping test, this product can be used, that would not be writing. This is quite a serious answer. There is evidence that athletes who received only oral Turinabo 10-15 pills a day, stopped taking 5 days before a doping test and the results were negative.

Turinabol possible side effects are often dose-dependent and specific. According to the tendency for women, the most common symptoms are rare, the dose does not exceed 20 mg per day does not extend the use. Men testesterono reduced production can be avoided genikomastija is rare. High blood pressure, fat glands and small intestine pain, and uncontrolled aggressive behavior are the exception. Increased libido is often the case.

Manufacturer's package instructions write the liver function tested regularly, because high doses there is a risk that a breach of the liver, they can no longer be restored. So oral Turinabol is not the steroid that can be used for a long time. The use of any longer after 6 weeks of 10mg per day, no
detectable liver damage ..