Abdominal Muscle Exerices and VIDEO of Proper form for each. Crunches Leg Curls


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[h=3]Abdominal anatomy[/h]

Straight abdominal muscles ( rectus abdominis ) - responsible for the waist bend, plays an important role in respiration.miter abdominal muscles ( obliquus externus / interns abdominis ) - perform limited trunk bending sideways movements.transverse abdominal muscle ( transversus abdominis ) - helps to compress the ribs and internal organs, giving the breast and pelvic stability.

[h=3]Abdominal exercises[/h]
Lie on the floor or bench. Bend your legs. If you use it to hold the weight of the neck or chest.

bowed themselves before the waist lift the upper part of the body. Lift the upper body about 45 degrees, return to the starting position.

Place the racks in front of the bench, shoulder height - so it will be easier to raise a barbell.

Main Room: Straight abdominal muscle (bigger load for the upper part)
Auxiliary muscles: abdominal muscles miter

[h=4]Crunches machines[/h]Preparing to
Sit in the installation, insert the bracket feet, hand-pick "the horns."

Hand-holding "horns" lenkitės forward until fully stretch press, unfold back until the upper part of the body with the legs at right angles. Repeat this step.

Main Room: Straight abdominal muscle (higher load middle)
Auxiliary muscles: abdominal muscles miter

[h=4]Crunches sideways[/h]Preparation
Lie on the floor. Folded both legs to bend and turn to the side. If you use it to hold the weight of the neck or chest.

lenkitės waist lifting the upper part of the body. Return to the starting position. Perform the exercise with the other half of the press.

The main muscles : abdominal muscles miter
Auxiliary muscles: Straight abdominal muscle

[h=4]Leg Curls supine[/h]Preparation
Lie on a bench or the floor. Extend your arms by your sides. Bend your knees 60 degrees. And just lift your feet off the ground.

Using the lower press slightly raise the bowl to raise the thigh. Your knees should appear above the chest. Įtemkite press again to return to the starting position. To increase the load straighten your legs.

Main Room: Straight abdominal muscle (lower part of the greater charge)
Auxiliary muscles: abdominal muscles miter
