The Perfect Training Split. Divide and Defeat for Optimum Muscle And Strength Gains


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[h=2]DIVIDE AND DEFEAT: THE PERFECT SPLIT'O OF (PAVEL TSATSOULINE)[/h]<iframe src="" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" style="border-style: none; overflow: hidden; width: 450px; height: 24px;"></iframe>
Total body workout does not specialize in, and prevent large-scale work. For the beginner and intermediate level bodybuilder, there is no need to specialize, unless specialization squats. And large-scale capacity is not needed, as long as there is not enough muscle mass. This does not mean that the whole body workout is designed for beginners only! Think of the athletes increased the strength and physical data in the past.
If pasirinkot total body workouts have only to decide how often to do
a) once a week or less. While once a week, strain the muscle group is doing an effective split'us, in this case it is not effective unless you would just squats and deads.
b) three times in two weeks. There is a good choice if you are very busy or your lifestyle does not allow you to quickly recover.
c) twice a week. Suitable if you have a little time. It is also suitable for beginners who do not train in cycles.
d) three times per week. The most popular and easiest way.
e) four times a week. This is one of the best ways to not using doping athletes. Maximum work and adequate rest. Train on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday is better than on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
f) five times a week or more. A great choice if you are using a very abbreviated workouts and strength is more important than appearance.

We returned to split'us
There are two kinds of split plan: by or under the muscle groups of the body parts and training. Here's more closer to Powerlifting, but does not mean it does not work for bodybuilders. Classic Powerlifting split'as are: Monday - Squats Tuesday - Bench Press, Friday - Deadlifts Saturday - light bench press. Start with the basic exercises and workouts add exercises to help key, ignore it any muscle group is involved in the process. For example, an additional day do squats exercise "good morning", it will strengthen your back and easier to do sit-ups, you can still perform a bench press from the shoulder, thanks to this exercise will be easier to keep the barbell on the shoulders.
What the Powerlifting split'ai? In order that you may be as strong as your look.
Two effective Powerlifting spilt'ai
Squats on Monday and Friday, the death thrust on Wednesday, the pressure of each workout. Or pressure on Monday on a Friday and Wednesday with alternating squats Deadlifts. On Saturday, you can perform additional exercises such as arm wrestling.
Traditional Bodybuilding split'as up by body parts, each part being trained only when it is fully recovered. Muscle group mates so that should the minimum negative effect on each other. Legs + arms are better than chest + triceps, shoulders + biceps is better than the back + biceps, etc.
Dorian Yates would train their feet and hands during a workout after a day of leisure and torsos workout: chest, back, shoulders. In the hands of another workout muscle groups can not help them.
Lee Haney used pressure \ pulling spit'ą. He practiced for three days and one rest. One day, chest, shoulders, triceps, legs the next day and the third day back, biceps. Later underperforming switched to split'o 1 chest, arms, 2 legs, 3-shoulders, back.
Another two split'ai blackboard presses and forearms place there where you look best.
Home split'as: 1) shoulders, biceps, 2) legs, and 3) the chest, triceps, 4) back 5) free. split'as Second: 1) Bust 2) biceps, 3) leg 4) triceps; 5) back 6) shoulders 7) free.

Advanced split'ai for more experience with bodybuilders. For example, you can train your legs three times in two weeks, twice a week, chest, hands, three times a week as well as Shawn Phillips.
If you want a simpler, Work the whole body three times per week, increased challenge to one of the muscle groups. On Monday, do a heavy workout chest and legs is easy, on Wednesday a severe leg and mild chest, severe back on Friday and other days back easily.