I'm flying now


New member
Just started liquid clen last sunday up to max doseage now threw some eca's in today holy shit I'm shaking like the fat lady on the tread mill. I get my bf% measured every first sat of the month I'll keep you posted on how this stuff works. I figure my bf% is 17-18% right now just finishing a bulking cycle right now time to knock it down to 12-13% beforre next cycle.
You shouldn't be using Clen and ECA at the same time bro. Its to hard on your pulmonary and nervous systems. Use Clen for 2 weeks and then ECA for 2 weeks and continue to alternate their use. Later
I just read an article in M&F about ephedrine cycleing. I'll try to post it if I can find it again. But the gist of the article was that cycling was a good way to restore the stimulant and blood-pressure aspects of the chemical, but not so good for fat burning because of the time it takes thermogenics to stimulate beta-3 receptors. I know that goes against what most everyone does with it, but the material did make sense.
Here's the article...my scanner really sucks and I don't have time to clean up the OCR fuckups, but I think you'll be able to figure it out...

Ephedrine Cycling

Among the best-selling fat-loss supplements nowadays are those containing the thenno_genic herb ephedra (mahuang). Ephedra is a source of the drug ephedrine, which is believed to be the most important active ingredient. Ephedrine in conjunction with caffeine has been found safe and effective for elevating metabolism in botb overweight arid lean people when taken three tinies per day over many months. With studies dating back to the '80s, it's tough to contest the power of ephedrine in pre_serving muscle and stimulating fat loss.
Nonetheless, the compound is powerftil and has been misused by some. While safe use of the ephedra herb dates back thousands of years (and more than 80 years as a nasal decongestant), ephedrine sometimes causes an initial rise in hlood pressure. With normal doses taken by healthy peo_ple, the rise is small and reverses by about eight weeks even with caffeine addied to the mix, but it pays to he prudent.
Use of excess amounts and use of the coropound tiespite certain health contlitions can be dangerous; emergency room physicians have also reported complications in l)atients taking a large overdose in conjunction with alcohol and/or street drugs.2

No Need to Cycle
~s a result of the heightened blood pressure effect a num_her of schemes have been deviseti to make ephedrine safer and more CffCCti\~e, the most popular of which is ephedrine cycling. This is the practice of talang ephedrine in an on- again, off-again ~anner.' three weeks on, one week off; six days on, one day off; and many other variations. But hecause almost all of ephedrine's potential side effects (including- insomnia, irn'tability and the rise in blood pressurQ) dissipate by the first month or two of use, the practice of cycling ephedrine means exposing yourself to the same, though admittedly negligi_ble, initial concerns every time you start up again, making a safe supple_ment combo less safe in the process.
In addition, none of the successful fat-loss studies did it that way - almost all of them gave ephedrine and caffeine consistently three times per day for up to a year. Cycling off ephedrine may be a good way to restore its stimulant and blood-pres_sure-increasing effects, but will do lit_tIe for fat-burning, an effect that takes time to develop. You may even lose ground with ephedrine cycling, since thermogenic beta-3 receptors take time to kick in and fully stimulate your metabolism.
It's best to minimize any potential risk by taking ephedrine (20 mg) and caffeine (200 mg) three times per day in a consistent, uninterrupted fashion over three or more months. Other_wise, the duo is more of a pep pill and little fat loss can be expected. Another way to reduce your risk is to start with a very low dose only in the morning to check for any sensitivity. Although side effects should be harmless and could dissipate within eight weeks, they can be quite noticeable initially and it's best to start slowly Restrict alcohol and avoid street drugs alto_gether when taking ephedrine-con_taming products.2
If any of the conditions below apply to you, you're in a high-risk group advised not to use the compound. Give ephedrine a pass ~
1) You're a teenager
~You or your blood relatives have a history of heart disease or stroke (two or more had a stroke or heart trouble before age 50)
3) You or your blood relatives have a history of diabetes
4) You smoke
~A physician has suggested that you may be at higher-than-normal risk for car_diovascular disease ~our blood homo_cysteihe or I£)L cholesterol levels ate high) or you have high blood pressure
6) You're pregnant or breastfeeding
7) You have a thyroid disorder. Wi&F
going back to the 2on 2 off jsut getting a little too psyco. BStrong I can see the point and agree with the article but they are not using anything else with the eca's like clen which seems to atleast double the sides and risks. I was just kinda courious what would happen if I tried both too much for me to handle.