Cycle Stacking with Trestolone Increase Mood, Sex Drive, Strength.Myelin Regeneration


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Triumph for Trestolone: Myelin Regeneration

Posted by Androgen
Designer Steroids

Myelin is a waxy protein substance coating the axon body of a neuron. It allows for proper electrical and chemical signaling down the axon of a neuron. This myelin coating is known as the myelin sheath and is necessary for proper functioning of our brain and nervous system. Demyelination is the loss of this myelin coating and leads to a wide array of negative side effects including but not limited to: depression, memory loss, and demyelinating diseases like multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer's.

Estrogen is a well known neuroprotective agent. However, as any male who has felt the sting of an aromatizing steroid can tell you, no man wants to be pumping himself full of estrogen. And there is no reason to; recent research has shown that certain androgens not only have neuroprotective effects comparable to estrogen, but actually stimulate myelin regeneration. Indeed, the androgen receptor has other functions besides being capable of adding slabs of muscle to the body, it adds myelin to our neurons! This myelin stimulating effect likely has a part to play in the “NZT48″ feeling in regards to memory, concentration, and sex drive that many users report when using testosterone; the CNS is firing more smoothly and the neurons in your brain are sending electro-chemical signals at a superior rate.

Researchers have found that 5a-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) has the same capability of myelin regeneration as testosterone while 17a-methyl-testosterone and epitestosterone have a weaker capacity for myelin regeneration. The most interesting finding was that Trestolone (7a-methyl-19-nortestosterone) which recently hit the market showed capability of myelin regeneration comparable to testosterone and 5a-DHT. Trestolone just gets better and better; it is 10x as potent as testosterone, has no action in the prostate, and it is capable of myelin regeneration. Although data on its ability to aromatize is not very concrete, in vitro testing shows Trestolone to aromatize significantly more than Nandrolone, but less than Testosterone.

We sometimes forget the wide range of physiological effects the androgen receptor produces in our bodies. The androgen receptor is not limited to muscle tissue–it is expressed in many organs. It is expressed in our brains where it plays a role in sexual function and our CNS where it plays a role in physical strength. These neuronal androgen receptors help protect our neurons from myelin loss; improving our mood, sex drive, strength, and preventing demyelinating diseases. Check for yourself; see if you notice a little extra brain power next time you are on a cycle of Trestolone or Testosterone.

  • Hussain R. et al. The neural androgen receptor: a therapeutic target for myelin repair in chronic demyelination. Brain: A Journal of Neurology.
  • Hammond J. et al. Testosterone-mediated neuroprotection through the androgen receptor in human primary neurons. Journal of Neurochemistry.

Tags: Androgen Receptor, Myelin, testosterone, Trestolone