Methatren 2mg recipe. How to make metha tren powder conversion recipe instructions


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Methatren 2mg recipe. How to make metha tren powder recipe instructions

1. Methatren 2mg
Methyltrienolone 2mg
Benzoyl Alcohol BP 3.0% v.v
Grape seed oil BP q.s

0.5g powders (0.5ml)
Benzyl alcohol 3.0%=7.5ml
Grape seed oil 242ml
makes no sence in brewing an injectable for metribolone.. ull kill ur liver.. lmao and 2mg a day is actually 2,000 mcg tht ur putting into ur body daily and will def do to much damge to ur liver.. this is the most stronger and potent steroid made by man.. it can be saftly made with 1 gram of metri in 999ml of peg 300,, dosed at 1mg/ml a day.. this is about the highest u should go in dosing this compound.. any else is mear foolish.. this is made in mcg,s not in mg,s