HGH Usage and Dosage for Women


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
The most Suitable HGH Doses for Women

Women need to take comparatively higher doses of HGH than men, to experience the wonderful results of the replacement therapy. Nevertheless, low doses of the hormone will not cause any harm, while high doses for prolonged periods of time, may lead to breast cancer and other complications in women.

Expected good results were observed in some women who were on 2 IU /day dosage for six months. The results demonstrated a decrease in the waist diameter by about four inches. Some women who have used the GH therapy, have an opinion that based on the goals, the dosages must be determined. They have come to the conclusion that six to twelve IU /day, in combination with anabolic androgen steroids and insulin would enhance muscle growth tremendously. While the dosage for fat reduction and enhancing the lean muscle mass was found to be three to six IU/day.

High doses of the growth hormone in women also causes fluid retention. Also, in some women, it was observed that high dosages of the hormone increases the blood pressure in the body. This may not have grave repercussions in all women, but it definitely can create problems in those who have hypertension. So, it is advisable for women who are suffering from high blood pressure, to begin the replacement therapy with an initial HGH dose of around 0.5 IU/day and gradually step it up.

It has been discerned from innumerable case studies, that estrogen affects the action of HGH in women. Probably, that could be the reason why women cease to grow tall, before men do. Also, women experience fewer results for the same dosage of the hormone, that is used in men. Optimal dosage administration in women must consider the 28-days cycle. Take the average of that dose by dividing it by 28. Let us assume that the dose is 1 IU/day. This dose must be used for 1 to 12 days of the cycle. Then, half of this dose, i.e. 0.5 IU/day, must be used from the 13th day till the 16th day of the cycle. Then, the dosage of 1.5 IU / day must be used from the 17th day till the 28th day of the cycle. By doing this, you can maintain an average dose of 1 IU/day, all through the cycle. The changes in the dosage would interact with the levels of estrogen and progesterone effectively, and yield the best results.