GHRP-6 (Growth Hormone Releasing Hexapeptide) profile


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
GHRP-6 is a peptide in the growth factor family.* It has strong effect on the release of Growth Hormone (GH).* Its main use is to promote food intake by stimulating hunger and aid in energy metabolism.** It can be used in the treatment of GH deficiency as well* as cachexia, eating disorders and obesity.

The major side effect accompanied by the use of GHRP-6 is a significant increase in appetite due to a stimulating the release of Ghrelin, a peptide which is released naturally in the lining of the stomach and increases hunger and gastric emptying. Stronger than that of equipoise.
GHRP-6 causes stimulation of the anterior pituitary gland which ultimately causes an increase in GH release.* Since GHRP-6 acts directly on the feedback loop which signals the inhibition of GH release, when natural GH secretion has been inhibited by long term synthetic use, GHRP-6 can be used to re-stimulate the natural production of GH.** GHRP-6 also affects the central nervous system, by protecting neurons as well as increasing strength in a way very similar to the way certain steroids in the Dihydrotestosterone family do.
Benefits of increased Growth Hormone levels through GHRP-6 stimulation include:* an increase in strength, muscle mass and body fat loss, rejuvenation and strengthening of joints, connective tissue and bone mass. Enhanced GH secretion also leads to the liver secreting more IGF-1 (Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1), which is thought to be the primary anabolic mechanism of action for Growth Hormone.

I'mt has also been discovered that when GHRP-6 and insulin are used simultaneously, GH response to GHRP-6 is increased (1). A recent study in normal mice showed significant differences in body composition, muscle growth, glucose metabolism, memory and cardiac function in the mice being administered the GHRP-6 (2).* There are still many questions regarding this fairly new compound, scientists are hoping with to gain a better clinical understanding of the peptide through further research over the next few years.

"I used this stuff at a dose of 500-600 mcg/day for awhile and found that the weight gain (mostly from an increase in my appetite) was far too great. I gained a ton of weight (on par with the most potent anabolics) but it wasn’t pretty. The effects on my joints were very beneficial at that dose also, but I didn’t really find much of a drop off when I lowered the dose to 100-200 mcg/day. In fact, I have a sprinter friend who ran a personal best with a combination of low dose GHRP-6 (100-150 mcg/day or so) and Anavar (20 mgs); that wouldn’t be a huge deal but for the fact that this was done while rehabilitating an injury! On the other hand, even that low dose was too much for a figure competitor I know, who gained far too much weight from using GHRP-6 and ultimately had to discontinue using it after only a couple weeks. Although this stuff can have GH-like effects, the weight increase makes any possible fat burning effects almost unnoticeable. For a bulking cycle, and at the price, it’s almost a must-have, if you’re looking to gain a ton of weight or trying to rehab an injury." ****User not guardianactual*****