Are the gains from steroid use temporary?


Musclechemistry Member
Yes, and no. Steroids can help you do two basic things with
regard to muscle growth. First, they can allow you to more
rapidly reach your genetic limits for muscle growth.
Provided you continue to train actively, eat properly, and
use an effective peT program, you should be able to
maintain at your genetic limit indefinitely. So in this
regard, the early gains do not have to be temporary.
Later, steroids can allow you to push well beyond your
genetic limits. It is important to emphasize this, as extreme
physical development cannot be maintained long-term
without the repeat administration of anabolic substances.
The body will always revert back towards its normal
metabolic limits once AAS are removed. In this context,
some of the gains will not be permanent.
Steroids do permanently alter the physiology of your
muscles by adding more cellular nuclei.With higher nuclei
content, each muscle cell can manage its volume more
efficiently, which allows more rapid expansion. Even after
a long period of complete abstinence from training and
AAS, the nuclei remain. This may provide a "muscle
memory" effect, allowing you to reach your genetic limit
(perhaps a slightly extended limit) faster than if you had
never used AAS in the past. So in this regard, there are
lasting benefits beyond the temporary increase in muscle
size itself.