Stay lean while taking time off from aas


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
By guardianactual
</br> Face it we look our best on cycle for the most part. And we all want to keep that slab of muscles we got during our bulk... but we don't want that bulge that comes with it. Here's a way to lean up & keep size.
</br> HGH we all should know how great HGH is for lean mass & fat loss by now. Thought it's not cheap & it works best run for 6 months to a year. The alternative is IGF1 LR3 actually you can stack them IGF1 LR3 works w/ in two-three weeks to see LBM & fat loss and MC's IGF1 LR3 is top notch! The other thing you can use is CJC 1295 w/ DAC, for women this peptide works very well.. for men, while it works it cannot be run too long or too high. It is recommend to use 2-3.5mg EW for no longer than 15 weeks. MOD GFR 129 (Short acting CJC 1295) is the perfered choice but it is injected 3-5x ED.
</br> Combined w/ GHRPs at the same 3-5x ED you can have 2IUs per 100mcg of both per shot (Speculated by many) I've used this combo, & like HGH it takes time and GHRPs spike hunger quite well. The others are SARM, no not SERMs, SARMs, select Androgen Receptor Module. Ostarine is a great lil anabolic agent that, with diet & training can add in muscle retention & fat loss. It also bumps strength by a bit (About 1/3 of dbol) S4 Andrine is even better for fat loss as it is 1/3 as androgenic as testosterone. But S4 does have side effects, unpleasant side effects like night blindness. There is also LGD 4033 but bc it acts like an AAS and can be suppressive we will skip that & go to GW50. GW50 has the ability to increase endurance & increase fat burning w/ no suppression whatsoever.
</br> So, how would a cycle look? Weeks 1-8
</br> Ostarine 10-25mg ED CJC 1295 DAC 2-3.5mg EW shot 2x EW like w/ Test E/C GHRP-2 100-300mcg 3-5x ED MC IGF1 50-100mcg ED
</br> Weeks 9-12 Ostarine 10-25mg ED MOD GFR 1-29 100-300mcg 3-5x ED GHRP-2 100-300mcg 3-5x ED MC IGF1 50-100mcg Clomid 25-50mg EOD (Optional) Aromasin 12.5mg EOD to E4D (Optional)
</br> You can use HGH in place of GHRP-2 CJC 1295 & MOD GFR you could also stack them. I perfer HGH as it only requires 1 shot ED.
</br> HGH profile
</br> MOD GFR 129 profile
</br> GHRPs profiles
</br> SARM Ostarine aka MK 2866 profile:
</br> S4 Andrine profile:
</br> GW50 profile ___________________
something really to look fwd to during off cycle , i don't like being off gear lol