The Pros and Cons of Long Steroid Cycles. Specifically Testosterone Based Stacks


Staff member
This is an approach often taken by those with a great degree of experience or older users that no longer have a need of their natural test (or who's natural test is too low to bother with as is the case with Hormone Replacement Therapy or HRT).

It is believed that longer cycles will result in more perminent gains because:
1. The body has more time to adapt to the new muscle mass...this point is very debatable but the general idea is that the body has time to adjust the new 'set point' of mass.

How it does this is not fully known and may be total speculation...I believe it has to do with satellite cells which will be discussed in more detail later.

2. There is more time during the cycle to build muscle tissue. At some point (which varies from user to user but are generally around the 2-3 month mark with long esters) gains begin to diminish such that eventually little to no further gains are seen and the continued use is simply maintenance of the existing muscle.

However with very long cycles some users are able to make continued gains either through very strict training and diet or the addition of peptides.

Often times brief periods of high doses (blasting) are employed to see continued gains followed by long periods of low to moderate use (cruising). This allows users to break through plateaus that are reached when gains diminish to the point of little to no growth.

The biggest downsides are:
1. Cost is increase with cycle length (obviously)
2. Many side effects become more pronounced over time
3. Shutdown is very severe such that to recover natural test (if coming off at all) is only posible with the use of HCG to stimulate the testes or by tapering with Test to try to allow the users HPTA to return to normal gradually. This is of course not an issue with continuous use because there is no need to recover if not coming off.