Ancilliary compounds used are for combating side effects. DHT, HBP and Tiny Nut Sacks


Staff member

Ancilliary compounds used are for combating side effects:
1. Estrogen causing gyno or water retention
- Arimidex (AI...~50% reduction)
- Aromasin (AI...~85% reduction)
- Letrozole (strong AI...~98% reduction)
- Clomid (SERM...weakly blocks the E receptor but does a good job of stimulating LH and FSH)
- Nolvadex (SERM...strongly blocks the E receptor and does a good job of stimulating LH and FSH, also has a positive effect on lipid levels)

2. DHT side effects such as hairloss and BPH
- Finasteride/procepia/proscar (DHT conversion blocker...note this just blocks the conversion of test based androgens to DHT by reducing type II 5 alpha reductase enzyme, it will not block injected DHT based steroids)
- Dutasteride/avodart (DHT conversion blocker that blocks the type I and II 5ar enzyme)

3. High blood pressure
- Ace inhibitors
- Beta Blockers
- Dieuretics

4. Prolactin side effects
- vit B6 (some assistance but weak)
- Cabergoline
- Bromocriptine
- Mirapex

5. Progesterone
- Winstrol

6. Nut Shrinkage
- Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)...this is an artificial way of keeping your nuts up without your body's natural Folicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) or Leutinizing Hormone (LH) which get shut down from gear.

It is a peptide hormone produced during early has an effect of stimulating the lydig receptors in your nuts which tell them to grow and produce testosterone. There is a negative feedback in this process and the lydig cells can be downregulated so it's use needs to be minimal.

These side effects are dependant on the genetic sensitivity of the user and dose of AAS so their use varies.