Lose Lower Back Fat


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When it comes to areas of the body difficult to slim down, the back has to be at the top of the list. The reason back fat is so difficult to lose is because it usually sits on the part of the body which doesn’t see a lot of motion.

Think about it; even when working your core, it tends to be your front abdominal muscles which get all the work–or at least tend to trim up the quickest. A toned back is a little harder to come by.

So how do you burn back fat? Do you really have to just wait for it to go away as overall weight loss occurs?

No. If you want a toned back, in addition to proper diet and cardio workouts, you need to incorporate specific exercises that target back muscles.

[h=2]Top 10 exercises to burn back fat[/h] The good news is a toned back isn’t out of reach.
For most people, working the areas needed to burn back fat just means trying out some new exercises that target specific back muscles.

Incorporate these top 10 back fat exercises compiled into your workout routine and kiss that back fat goodbye!

[h=4]The back extension[/h] Think of this exercise as a reverse sit-up. It will help you burn back fat around your hips and waist and it will tone your back muscles along the spine.

You’re going to need a large exercise ball for this one, or something that can support your pelvis during the exercise.
With your pelvis on the ball, keep your legs straight, holding yourself up onto your toes so your entire body is in a straight line. Place your hands behind your head like you would with a sit-up, and then flex your back, raising your chest several inches above the ball. Hold for three seconds and repeat. You can brace your feet against a wall if you have difficulty balancing on the exercise ball.
[h=4]Reverse back extension[/h] This is the same move as above, slightly modified, which will also help you burn back fat in the lower areas.
Instead of bracing yourself on your toes, you are going to lean forward over the exercise ball and brace with your hands, keeping your arms straight. Your legs should be relaxed, hanging over the ball. Keeping your legs straight, lift them upward until the ankles and the back or your head are aligned. Hold for 3 seconds, repeat.

[h=4]The cement mixer[/h] Known by a host of other names, the cement mixer is a good way to burn back fat and get a toned back.
This move requires no additional equipment and is performed on the floor.

Sit with your knees bent and your hands clasped. Elevate your feet six inches off the ground while keeping your bent-knee position. You will need to lean back slightly to keep your balance.

Take both your hands and place them to your right side, touching the floor if possible while at the same time pointing your knees to the left.
The object of this exercise is to switch hand and knee position back and forth simultaneously to create a “mixing” motion.
[h=4]Rows[/h] When we say rows, we are not referring to “rowing,” though we’ll get to that exercise next!
Rows are performed with a set of dumbbells, and this exercise is performed in a standing position and will not only burn back fat but will build lean muscle in the area.

Once upright, lean your chest forward, keeping your back straight, until you have achieved a 45-degree angle. Allow your forearms to hang straight down and then bring your elbow straight up until it is even with your back. You are not extending your arm out; you are moving upward, not outward.

[h=4]Rowing[/h] This movement is best achieved in an actual boat or a rowing machine and it is the king of exercises to burn back fat.
Rowing uses the back muscles to pull a vessel through the water. It requires incredible body strength and is a great way to get a toned back.
This is an exercise best performed at the gym or on the water, however, as it is difficult to replicate in the home setting.

[h=4]The bridge[/h] One of the less-intense workouts if you want to burn back fat, the bridge is performed laying on your back with your knees up and bent.
Slowly lift your buttocks until your back is in a straight line with your thighs. Hold for 10 seconds, lower, and repeat.

This exercise is fantastic for the lower back, glutes, core and leg muscles.

[h=4]Leg extensions[/h] Generally speaking, what tones the butt will tone the back.

For this reason, leg extensions are a great exercise to burn back fat and tone back muscles.

Go “all fours” position on the ground and extend one leg up and toward the ceiling. Do 10 repetitions, holding each for about 15 seconds. Repeat for each leg as long as tolerance will allow.

[h=4]The elbow kiss[/h] It’s not all about lower back fat; the upper back needs attention, too.

To work your shoulders and upper back, try doing the elbow kiss.

Hold a 3-5 pound dumbbell in each hand while in the standing position. Then raise your arms out to shoulder-height. Once here, you are going to turn your palms inward and bend your elbows at a 90-degree angle. Now, draw your elbows together until they “kiss.” Lower arms and repeat.

[h=4]Cat and camel[/h] This back fat burner is just as the animal imagery implies; you are going to be on all fours for this exercise.
To start, you are going to arch your back into camel position and hold it for 5 seconds, then allow your stomach to drop, bringing your back into a “u” position (cat position). Repeat in reps of 10 or 15.
[h=4]Punching[/h] It may seem like punching is all about the arms, but when you know how to punch the right way, you realize it requires a significant amount of trunk movement.
To punch properly, both hands should rest at the shin with the elbows tucked in to the sides. From here, step with the foot on the same side as the hand punching, fulling extending the arm and turning the knuckles over to top position. The arm should be fully extended so that the shoulder touches the chin.

If performed correctly, you will feel the entire body pivot with this move.
Cardio Tai and Kick Boxing classes are great to achieve a toned lean back.

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