IGF, taking a break.


New member
So ive been off igf for a while. Maybe a month now. Since ive come off my diet and been eating nasty too so ive put a little water on. But leaning up a bit now that ive cut carbs down. Anyways ever since coming off igf for a month my abbs have flattened a little. Their not as bulky and full as they used to be. Loved the look of my bulging abbs on MC igf. Cant wait to get back on to get my muscles pumped again. Taking a break sucks.
I have 3000mcg left plus enough credits for more yet I kinda wanna take a short break to do keto... I'm weary on using IGF1 w/o carbs...
Everybody's body' is different, I use IGF during pre contest diet with little and no carbs with no issues. Also the longer I am on IGF results just keep coming.....no break.
Only reason I take a break is if I run out or I get tired of the applications. That usually only lasts 2 weeks to a month though....lol