Top 10 Ways To Stay Motivated


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
By: Jamie Eason

1. Make Working Out A Key
****Part Of Your Life.

Schedule it in and put it on your calendar. Make it a real commitment. It is a lifestyle change, not a temporary fix.

2. Choose A Convenient Gym.

3. Set Attainable Goals.

Instead of saying, I aim to lose 40 lbs or gain 10 lbs of muscle, set weekly and monthly goals to increase your reps or weight and/or increase your cardio.

4. Start Off Slow.

Don't go in and work out so hard that you make yourself too sore to move. Focus on form and getting into the groove.

5. Vary Your Routine.

Doing the same thing over and over will likely result in a plateau. Try to change your sets, reps, weights and/or rest period between sets at least once a month.

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Jamie Eason.

6. Keep A Journal.

Keep a journal and hold yourself accountable to making improvements. How will you know when you get there, if you can't remember where you've been?

7. Use The Buddy System.

Train with a friend to keep up the energy. There is nothing like some friendly competition to spur a good workout.

8. Hire A Trainer Or Coach.

There will be days when the last thing you want to do is spend time at the gym. A professional knows how to motivate you on those days and you will be more likely to go when you're paying someone.
Hiring A Personal Trainer!
This article is presented as the first of a two part series to help you choose a trainer in a rapidly changing environment.
[ Click here to learn more. ]

9. Be Patient.

Make a promise to yourself to stick with it for at least 3 to 4 months. Consistency is key! Mark your calendar at the 3 or 4 month mark and if you stick to it, reward yourself with a new outfit or a vacation.

10. Get Enough Sleep!

Lack of sleep will derail your training program faster than anything. You will likely over eat to compensate for energy and/or skips the gym all together.