Q&A With a IFBB Pro part 25 Test vs HGH


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Q I have used both together, Ive done some reasurch but would love to here your thoughts on doing HGH alone vs Test alone?

A. for bodybuilding purposes, hgh alone is not going to do very much. test on the other hand...well, lets just say that if you only ran one bodybuilding drug EVER, for the rest of your time in the sport, my suggestion would be that it was test. not only is it effective, its a hell of a lot cheaper than the amount of GH it takes to make good gains. GH is a good tool for the advanced athlete that is closer to reaching, or beyond their genetic poteintial. when that athlete adds in GH, at a good dose, 5 or more IU ED, along with test and possibly insulin, they will be able to continue growing. it is also good for the dieting bodybuilder, as it helps to keep you full while leaning you out in the contest prep phase. i have prepped with and without GH and i've found that i do come in a little tigher while on it. i would suggest that anyone competing in a state level show or higher were to use at least a few IU to come in at their best possible. im not saying it is necessary at that level, but it will help. moving on the the national level, i would for sure. if growing new mass is what you're after, it can be helpful, but overall, as i stated, it will not make or break you. on the other hand, for an enhanced bodybuilder, test should be the foundation for every cycle you do.

one time that i can see running gh without test is through PCT and to help maintain gains off cycle. it will not effect your HPTA, so you can continue on gh after your AAS cycle is over. i have found it helpful for that purpose.*