1-DHEA is a prohormone to 1-Testosterone (dihydroboldenone). Powerful Research


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  • 1-DHEA is a prohormone to 1-Testosterone (dihydroboldenone). It is commonly sold under the brand name of “1-Andro” (1-Androsterone). 1-Andro is a non 17-aa prohormone requiring two steps in its conversion to 1-Test. Reduction of the 17-ketone functional group by 17b-HSD produces 1-Androstenediol while oxidation of the 3-hydroxyl group by 3a-HSD produces 1-Androstenedione. Both of these metabolites may have some intrinsic anabolic/androgenic properties, but it is their further conversion to 1-Testosterone that produces the anabolic muscle building effects seen from 1-Andro.1-Andro appears weak structurally. It requires two enzymatic conversions to become the target hormone 1-Testosterone. Throw in the fact that it is technically a “DHEA” molecule, and most would believe it to be weak prohormone. However, a new study performed by West Texas A&M University shows otherwise.
    9 males with an average of 5 years experience in resistance training and an average bodyfat of 13% were given 330 mg of 1-Andro daily for 4 weeks while completing a structured resistance training program. Data was collected pre-cycle and post-cycle on: lean mass, strength, lipids, and cardiac metabolic function. Studies like these are the holy grail of prohormone studies. They are very rare. When a study like this is performed on a prohormone, it is wise to Any diet measured in hours can’t be all that bad, right? Two days is all they’re asking for here, which can be planned around your weekend so you don’t have to try to while you’re on the go. take notice. These studies give better answers to the overly common questions of what kind of gains one can expect, what dose is best, and the degree of toxicity that comes from the prohormone.
    Results showed 1-Andro to be significantly more powerful than it would appear structurally. The 9 males gained an average lean mass of 10.4 lbs and an increase in strength of 92.2 lbs in total load on bench/squat/deadlift. These are significant gains from a prohormone. It is important to keep in mind that these results were seen from 330 mg of pure 1-Andro taken daily. The recommended dosages on the internet vary from 100-800 mg per day; obviously 800 mg being excessive in retrospect to this study. It was interesting to note that cardiac metabolic function was negatively affected as evident by the increase in creatinine and aspartate transaminase (AST). Lipids were also negatively effected; an increase in LDL and decrease in HDL were observed.
    The researchers concluded that “The prohormone supplement contributed to robust improvements in muscle mass and strength in resistance trained males but these gains came at the price of subject’s cardio-metabolic function.” These negative side effects are most likely caused by 1-Andro”s conversion to the potent steroid 1-Testosterone and not caused by 1-Andro itself. Of course, the elevated enzymes and negatively impacted lipids were expected to return to baseline some weeks after the cycle. Although repeated studies are necessary to substantiate the efficacy of any compound, it”s safe to say that 1-Andro definitely packs a punch!
  • Grandos J, Gillum T, Hodges C, Kuennen M. 3-hydroxy-5alpha-androst-1-en-17-one Enhances Muscular Gains but Impairs the Cardio-metabolic Health of Resistance Trained Males. International Journal of Exercise Science.

tagged with 1-Andro, 1-Androsterone, 1-DHEA, increase strength, muscle building, toxicity