Effects Of Various Doses Of Human Growth Hormone . HGH Dosing Study


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Effects Of Various Doses Of Human Growth Hormone

According to a research study conducted at Christie hospital in the Manchester city by Prof. S. M. Shalet, he stressed on reducing the dosages in replacement therapy of this hormone. He was concentrating on solving many disease causing physiological conditions by using this hormone. Sixty five subjects were taken for the study on the basis of their poor quality of life. In this study, the patients were administered with 0.8 units/day dose of HGH which could bring the levels of IGF-1 to normal. The dosage formulation was frozen powder. It can remain vital for only about a week. The regimen was given to the patients for one month. After the therapy the quality of life in adults with GH deficiency has improved in contrast to the extent of diminished life quality before therapy. This dosage could show improvement very much and also enhanced the vigor of the individual above all. This dosage may lead to Hypothyroidism and patients were carefully monitored regarding this matter and the IGF-1 levels were observed. The side effects were also observed in those cases when high doses were administered unsuccessfully, like carpel tunnel syndrome, headache, nausea, vomiting, high blood pressure and mild impairment in vision. These effects were not observed when low doses were given to the patients.

HGH dosage is normally prescribed daily but its injections were given in every alternate day in a study conducted by Giavoli et al., in 2003. In another study conducted by Verhagen A from Paul Scherrer institute and his colleagues in 1994, he had mentioned about the research work of Underwood and Van Wyk done in 1992. This study reveals that, the recombinant GH dosage of 0.5 to 0.7 IU/kg/day for six or seven days a week were administered subcutaneously to children. The results showed that the biochemical effects of this hormone like breakdown of fat was one of the significant events that can be easily monitored. He also confirmed that growth enhancing effect of this hormone is accompanied by IGF-1.

In children the growth promoting dosage was found to be 0.05mg/kg/day. This was deduced from a study where the children were able to experience higher speed in growth and fast increase in their heights at this dosage than at 0.025mg/kg/day. This study was done by Margaret H. Mac Gillivray et al. in 1998 published in PEDIATRICS journal. But the puberty onset and bone maturation was delayed when the children were given with GH dosage of 0.18 - 0.3 mg/kg/week.

The young people would have an average of 20ng/ml of this hormone while aged people would have about 2 ng/ml. The dosage of its administration should be adjusted to maintain 20 ng/ ml in aged people without surrendering to any dangerous side effects.