Steroid uncovered part one IFBB Pro tells his use.


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
In the following interview our featured pro reveals all about his association with AA steroids and provides a rare glimpse into a side of bodybuilding seldom read about. See what he uses and why cycles are so important. Get the facts!

Professional bodybuilders often talk freely about their nutritional, training and supplementation programs, aspects of bodybuilding that are of critical importance to their success onstage. One subject that is not often discussed is the role anabolic/androgenic steroids play in "assisting" gains in muscle size and conditioning at the pro level.

Many pro bodybuilders are reticent about their association with various steroids and other anabolic substances, although the fans and administrators know these enhancers are widely used to the point where there is now, and has been for quite some time, a reliance on these drugs among users who desire competitive equality.

Given the lack of discussion on AA steroids, one might be led to think they are not entirely necessary for competitive success, that they don't have any special growth enhancing properties.

Although it is true that a great physique can be developed without the use of AA steroids, as diet, training and recovery remain the essential components of any good bodybuilding program, AA steroids do facilitate gains in muscle through their ability to promote greater recovery and increased protein synthesis, and through their anti-catabolic properties.

AA steroids are synthetic (lab produced) forms of the male sex hormone testosterone. Anabolic refers to their tissue building properties (accelerated growth of muscle, bone and red blood cells, and enhanced neural conduction); while Androgenic describes the masculinizing effects they have on the body (enlargement of testes and penis, voice changes, hair growth on the face and increased aggressiveness).

They are used in medicine to treat conditions that occur when the body produces an abnormally low level of testosterone - delayed puberty and impotence being two such conditions. AA steroids exert their muscle-building effects by activating specific genes to produce proteins, through their stimulatory effects on special receptor molecules found in muscle cells.

They also increase protein synthesis by enhancing the activation rate of enzyme systems involved in protein metabolism, thereby inhibiting protein degradation and promoting protein synthesis. In addition to AA steroids anti-catabolic effects, users have reported, and researchers have speculated, that these substances profoundly increase feelings of well-being, euphoria, increased aggressiveness and tolerance to stress, thus allowing the user to train harder and sustain motivation levels for longer periods.

These increased psychosomatic effects are even thought to underpin the positive actions of AA steroids - more so than their physiological effects.

A seemingly never-ending source of controversy, the use of AA steroids remains a taboo subject in the sporting world. Given mixed reports regarding their effectiveness and safety (some users report various side effects ranging from acne through to anger problems), AA steroids remain on the margins of what is regarded as acceptable sporting practice.