Doctors dont know shit about bodybuilding, Steroid homrones cycles, & dieting period


Stage Pro
I’m getting tired of people in half-assed shape trying to tell people in good shape exactly what they need to do to be healthy.

Let’s face it, if any of these so called “experts” really knew anything they’d look better than they do. They’ve never lived what they’ve studied. All they hold is a piece of paper called a degree and a few years of studying for shit they don’t even remember.

I’m not impressed by that. Not to mention, how many of these arrogant dipshits walk around talking to everybody they come across like they are beneath them? They talk to people in a condescending manner wherever they go. If you’re someone who knows his/her body or anything about health and fitness you can forget it, you will be treated like shit and quickly interrupted by a doctor, nurse, or self-proclaimed expert.

On average a doctor will interrupt his patient within 18 seconds of the patient explaining his chief complaint to them and he will make a snap diagnosis and decision before the patient is finished talking. They do not give a shit about your health, I repeat… they DO NOT give a shit about your health.
As long as they can keep banging that insurance card that is all that matters. Let’s be real here, have you ever met someone who went to the doctor and was cured and didn’t have to keep going back? Nope, “OK, let’s see you back here next week” and on top of it all the motherfuckers like to schedule 5 people at the same time, killing half of your day to get about 2 minutes of their time.

Do not swallow everything they give you whole!!
When I have an issue I will research the hell out of it, talk to people who know more than me in a particular area, then take all of the pieces of info I’ve gathered and apply it towards myself.

But one thing I never do is listen to one person exclusively and take 100% of their advice. You will notice that anytime you talk about something health related with a “medical expert” they are very quick to interrupt and get defensive, and the better you look the worse it gets.

They feel threatened by your conversation and rather than going back and studying or having an open mind to the topic, it’s easier to get defensive about it and try treating you like shit since you’re a patient. If the motherfuckers could just give me the script pad I’d be fine about 90% of the time.
And for God sakes, they could at least have a decent argument to back up their bullshit. The first thing they want to say is how “they went to school for this and you don’t know shit”. “No asshole, give me a physical reason and explanation of why you make more sense than I do, because you haven’t made one good point since we started talking about this all Doc.” Don’t listen to them, fuck em!! They want your money, plain and simple.

I cannot say this is all of them, but a large majority. I’m going to pick up a book tonight. It’s called “How Doctors Think” and I’ll give a review on it when I’m done. Oh yeah, the diet layout is to come too, forgot about that… train hard!!!
