want to be toned


New member
I'm 5'10 and weigh about 140.. I don't want to get any bigger I just want to be toned as well as still lose a little leg wieght.. that's really my problem area. Is there anything I can do to basically target that area the most, seems like my entire body is pretty good except that... i do still want my entire body to be toned. What exercises would be best to stick to? Should I do mostly cardio and cut down on the weights???? And diet wise??
Just to make sure I am clear.........your legs is where you carry most of your bf, or they are too muscular? If it is that you carry your BF in your legs.....it really is impossible to "spot lose" BF...you just have to keep working at it, and the BF is going to drop off where its going to drop off.....that is genetic. We really need to see your training schedule in order is give any further advise on cardio/weight training. And lets see your diet while we're at it. Oh....and welcome to MC
First of all just want to mention that I'm glad to be here at MC...
Alright I guess what I mean is that yes most of my BF is in my legs.. it seems I have gotten rid of all the rest.. but that still remains an area were it's a lot more difficult to get it off.. It's not that my legs are huge and fat but they just aren't hard like I want them to be. My training schedule is monday, wednesday, friday and saturday.. sometimes sunday normally I start off or finish with at least 20 minutes and then do weight training for about 45 minutes to an hour... lately I've been slacking a bit on the cardio ... been doing that 2-3 times a week whereas I used to be doing it 4-5.. In my diet I try to cut out sugar and all those bad fats.. I try to eat mostly protein like chicken and tuna , as well as salads and fruits.. I dont' eat red meat though or pork.. I don't take anything except for hydroxcut (which i just stopped )and I drink drinks like ripped force.. or thermo...
I would not slow down on the weights, and I would add more cardio....45 min to 1 hour 4-5 days a week. Your diet sounds pretty good, as long as your not having too much fruit...its still a sugar. Maybe add a couple of protien shakes to help you get in enough protien throughout the day, sometimes its hard to eat 5-6 times a day, so the protien shakes help me out quit a bit. What is your weight training like on leg day?....You may need to change it up a bit. You could check out the book "Super Vixon", she gives all diffrent exercises for diffrent body parts......it is a very good book, with lots of pictures, it helped and still helps me alot. Its like my bible...lol. I have a trouble spot on my upper legs as well, unfortunatly, we just have to be patient and let it come off as its going to, as long as you are doing all of the right things, it will eventually. ;) Good Luck!
Well, I have the same problem. Although I am not trying to just lean up, I do carry most of my bodyfat on my legs and lower body. I would suggest doing your weightlifting first because you burn most of the carbs in energy so that when you are doing cardio you are focusing on burning fat. As far as lifting, try to keep your reps high (more than 10-12). Try four sets on legs. Your last set should be at least 10-12. I agree with Dezir. You will have to up the cardio to at least 45 min. Hope that helps you:)
Thanks that helps alot.... lately I've been doing that, uping my reps...And I'll do my cardio afterwards..I always did it before lifting because i'd usually be tired afterwards and I couldn't lift as much... it just seems so much easier to tone everywhere else except those damn hips...
I would definitely bump up the cardio and whatever you do don't stop lifting weights, just use light weight and pump out lots of reps. Make sure your diet is in check too....diet is oh so important!! Dezir mentioned Super Vixen by Negrita Jade....that book is great...I too refer to it alot.
I've uped my cardio.. now I just have to keep on doing it.. it's kind of hard to stay motivated all the time.
I'll also take a look at that book you mentioned .. thanks.