Medical study : twelve weeks on deca


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Medical study: twelve weeks on deca

A few years ago doctors in San Francisco published their findings from a study in which they examined the effects of a twelve-week course of*deca*or*nandrolone decanoate. Their most interesting finding: deca injections increase aggression – but weight training blocks that effect.

The doctors did tests on eighty patients who required regular dialysis. The patients’ kidneys were no longer functioning well and they were having dialysis to clean their blood. People whose kidneys are not working properly experience a decline in quality of life, and their muscle power and mass declines. The researchers wanted to know whether power training and the anabolic steroid nandrolon decanoate would have any effect.

The test subjects had to train their legs three times a week. They did no training for the upper body. The men were given a weekly injection of 200 mg deca and the women got 100 mg. The preparation the doctors used was*Deca-Durabolin, made by*Organon.

The researchers divided their subjects into four groups. The placebo group did no training but were given a placebo. The ND group received only Deca-Durabolin injections. The EX group did power training and the EX+ND group combined hormone injections with power training.

The figure below shows the effect of the treatments on body composition.

Power training*reduced*the fat free mass. Does that mean that power training without steroids does not lead to an increase in muscle mass in dialysis patients? We can’t assume this is so. Fat free mass is not only muscle, but also includes fluid and bone mass. When the researchers measured the circumference of the quadriceps, it was clear that power training without steroids resulted in more muscles. But the results also make it clear that the combination of steroids and power training works better than just training. The patients that got steroids and didn't train developed bigger thigh muscles than the patients that trained but didn't get steroids.

When the researchers measured their subjects’ muscle power, the picture changed. Just power training resulted in a greater increase in muscle power than using deca without doing power training. But again, the combination of deca and training seemed to be most effective.

When the researchers assessed the effect of the steroids and the training sessions on the quality of life and mental functioning of their subjects, they made an interesting discovery.

The quality of life increased the most in the patients who trained but took no steroids. The researchers only assessed physical functioning: standing up from sitting and walking up stairs. The subjects who trained were less tired, and the use of steroids added little to this.

Interestingly though, the patients who got deca experienced more anger, but there was no increase in aggression in the patients who took steroids*and*trained.

J Am Soc Nephrol. 2006 Aug;17(8):2307-14.

Good read. I always got mad while on Deca but was able to control my temper. I stopped using deca cause of it, now with my shoulder surgeries I am going to give it a shot again to help with rebuilding my tendons.