Information About Peptides


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
[h=1]All about peptides[/h]

Our bodies are made up of trillions of cells.Within every living cell is one powerful nutrient – this nutrient is called “Protein” – (small proteins are called “Peptides“)
[h=2]What is a protein?[/h]

  • A protein is created out of a string of over 50 amino acids.
  • Proteins role within the body is critical to the maintenance of health
  • They do most of their work in cells and are required for the structure, function, and regulation of the body’s tissues and organs.
  • There are 20 different amino acids that can be combined to create a protein.
  • The sequence of amino acids determines the unique 3-dimensional structure of each protein alongside its specific function.
  • The role of protein is very important. It is responsible for building body tissue as well as in the manufacturing of hormones. Proteins are a part of every cell, every tissue, and every organ in our bodies.
The proteins in our bodies are constantly being broken down and replaced. The body stores carbohydrates and fats, but it does not store amino acids. This means that there needs to be a daily consumption in order to help the body make new proteins. The protein that we ingest through food is digested into amino acids. These can be used to replace the proteins broken down in our bodies.
[h=3]What is an amino acid?[/h]

Much like some of the toys you may have seen your children play with at Kindergarten, amino acids attach themselves to other amino acids in different variations and numbers to form compounds such as proteins, peptides and peptide hormones. When proteins are digested or broken down, what is left are the amino acids. Amino acids are essential to life because the proteins they form are involved in virtually all cell functions. Some proteins function as enzymes, others as antibodies, whilst some provide structural support.Within the human body there are 20 different amino acids we need. These amino acids join together to make different types of protein. Eight amino acids are considered “essential” amino acids. They are named this way because they are not made by the body and must be obtained through eating nutritious food and supplementing where necessary. There are 12 other amino acids. These amino acids are made by the body therefore are considered “nonessential” amino acids.
[h=3]What are Peptides[/h]Peptides are shorter chains of amino acids. Some refer to them as “small proteins” for if there are less than 50 amino acids within a protein chain., they are ultimately renamed and referred to as peptides.
When 2 or more amino acids bond, they form a molecular structure which is called a “Peptide”. So long as there are less than 50 amino acids within this structure, it will be considered a “Peptide”. Once the string contains more than 50 amino acids, it is then usually considered to be a “Protein”.
Peptide Hormones are proteins that have endocrine (hormonal) functions. Some create metabolic performance enhancements by communicating with the body to trigger the release of Growth Hormone (GH) into the blood. When this occurs the benefit shows in our ability to readily build lean muscle and release stored fat.