Bodybuilding Peptides for Muscle Growth


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
How do we increase / gain muscle mass? Muscle size and strength growth occurs by improving the neurological control of the muscle cells by the brain and spine.

Bodybuilding : Neurological control is improved through frequent and high intensity repetition of the particular movement leading to changes in nerve connections and activation thresholds. All bodybuilding enthusiasts know that you can increase muscle growth by triggering mechanical and metabolic stress. This occurs primarily by the production of extra contractile proteins within the muscle cells, a process called hypertrophy. There is also a small increase in the number of muscle cells, a process called hyperplasia.Muscle cells are among the largest individual cells in the body. They contain a large amount of mesh-like proteins that can slide past each other and cause the length of the muscle cell (fibre) to shorten. Because of the size of a muscle cell, it needs a large number of nuclei (containing the DNA code) to support the cell’s functions.
As bodybuilding and weight training stimulates more contractile protein, more muscle nuclei (myonuclei) are required. The inactive stem (or satellite) cells around the muscle fibre can be stimulated to fuse with the muscle fibre, differentiate into myo-nuclei, and help produce and support the additional contractile proteins.

The Distinction between Peptides and Steroids:

Apart from being a natural and much safer option to steroids, peptides:

  • Grow new muscle cells i.e. increase the number of muscle cells, resulting in greater:
  • Shredded muscle
  • Lean muscle
  • Quality muscle

  • Steroids increase the size of already existing muscle cells, resulting in:
  • Greater bulk
  • Less definition
  • Low quality, artificial, temporary muscle


Growth Hormone and its effect on Muscle Growth

High intensity training does this. Growth hormone and testosterone also do this. As we age, our growth hormone (somatopause) and testosterone (andropause in men) levels decline. While both increase briefly after exercise, growth hormone levels can be further elevated by bodybuilding peptides designed to stimulate GH release from the anterior pituitary. Bodybuilding peptides ordinarily fall into one of two categories.
  1. Growth Hormone Stimulating Peptides
  2. Growth Hormone Releasing Peptides
Growth hormone has the additional benefit of stimulating connective tissue growth around the muscle (fascia, ligaments, tendons). This improves the connective tissue’s recovery and repair after high intensity training, and decreases the risk of overuse injury (tenosynovitis, tendinosis).
Bodybuilding Peptides – Triggering the Release of IGF-1 into the blood

One of GH’s main effects, is to trigger the liver to produce and release insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) into the blood. GH also triggers IGF-1 production within cells. IGF-1 has primarily proliferative effects, which means it stimulates cell multiplication (hyperplasia) as well as an increase in the size of the cell (hypertrophy) (Adams 2002, Munteanu 2004, Zingg 2004).Growth Hormone levels in the blood are controlled by a negative feedback mechanism. GH and IGF-1 levels in the blood inhibit GHRH release from the hypothalamus, increase SST release from the hypothalamus, and decrease GH release from the pituitary gland(Patrie 2004, Veldhuis 2001). These changes decrease GH production until blood levels decrease and the negative feedback is removed.
