question for REALCOOLTIME


New member

I have to keep my running upto speed. I don't run much (once a week) but I have to keep it in order. I have to be able to run 5km in under 21 minutes and 1,6 km in under 6'50''. This is tested a couple a times a year at my work. I have to pass each time.

Now, I just barely make this because I'm a very bad runner, have lousy endurance and I also have hypermobile joints wich makes running very strenuous for me.

So the question is.. how will my fall cycle of 500 enanth and 400 deca a week for 12 wks influence my endurance? Will it be better, worse, or will it stay the same? Off course I will get fatter from bulking.

Tnx for the help bro!!!

ahh, those tests, you are in the military!

Good question because that is very similary to the cycle I last did.

Here is what I reccomend, you will get good results with this:

Training: Eat more calories than you need, but all quality cals--not a true "bulking cycle" Make the emphasis of your next cycle conditioning. It works, think about it: this is how all the altheletes, aside from bodybuilders and american football players train on a cycle anyway. You won't go up 20 lbs, you might go up 10, but you will be rock hard and ready to run. Don't quit cardio at all, increase it, and do it every day.

Also search for techniques to improve runnign speed. There are drills and methods just like there are special techniques for strength and mass. They work.

Get an aqua-jogger water running belt. This is a flotation belt that goes aroudn your waist and keeps your head above water. You can run for hours in the water, pumping you arms. The cool water keeps your body temp lower so that you can go much longer, also the pressure of the water itself forces blood back to your heart easier. Therefore, you achieve the same benifits and conditioning of heavy duty cardio at a lower heart rate!

There is no spinal compression or pressure on your knees, the water also gives great resistance to your hams and quads. I do it in a lake near my house in the summer, or in the pool in the winter. try jogging in the water for 10 mins then alternate 30 second sprints with 2 min cool down jog pace for 2 mins. do it for 30-45 mins, 3 * weekly.

Hill training: No hills in belgium like here, but a few. You should try WALKING up hills as fast as you can and walking down as slow as you can--to start--because running up and down hills wil give you shin splints unless you are very flexible and conditioned.

Do a lot of stretching for quads, hams, glutes, and calves in particular.


Hill walking 2* a week 30 mins

water running 2* a week 30 mins

Stretching (full body with emphasis on legs) EOD 30 mins

Jogging 30 mins (level ground) 1* a week

Runnning/speed drills 1* a week 30 mins.

start slow and if five days a week is too much, cut one day of hill walking and cut speed drills for the 1st 3 weeks.

This is a 6 week program.

Eat a lot, eat clean, stay flexible, do the water running and speed drills in particular--that will make your performance soar.

PS: can't over-emphasize flexibility of quads, hams and calves. At the same size and cardio fitness--if you loosen up you will get faster and be able to go a lot longer.

Remember, building muscle is based on muscular contraction. This means muscle shortening. So every time you workout to build muscle, stretch, stretch, stretch!

I hope that helps!

Oh yeah i forgot: water running is the BEST for hyper mobile joints as you face water resistance against your muscles rather than compression/shearing force.

Water running, if you use your arms in particular is the best overall cardio/conditioning exercises I have found.

Try using your arms in creative and powerful flye movements, wide sweeping rear delt movements, pushing down, shoulder rotation movements--find what works for your body and follow the movements for a good burn.

You will develop unbelievable athletic stamina throughout your whole body this way. Tri sets will become easy for you. You will want to superset on even the heaviest sets as they just won't burn you out anymore--heavy lifting only hits type 1 and 2 fibres. This is where your type 3 fibres come into play.

If you do a lot of hardocre shit with a water running belt, using your whole body--you will have so much stamina and be so RIPPED.

The best part, of course, is that you won't even need ECA or clen.

Get in da pool!

MacGyver said:
Geez.....Sorry Cyber.... :eek:

Hey bro I there was no offence intended. I just said no changes because I already has all my stuff and I am determined to do this cycle. Just wanted to ask what it would do. Did't mean to flame ya.
cyberstefke said:

Hey bro I there was no offence intended. I just said no changes because I already has all my stuff and I am determined to do this cycle. Just wanted to ask what it would do. Did't mean to flame ya.

Don't worry about. No harm done.