10 best exercises for ARMS

Iron Game


1 barbell curls, standing

Many find the excellent basic exercise for the biceps, like the squat and bench press thigh to the chest. Barbell Curls affects all areas biceps and allows the use of maximum weights for the necessary overload.

Design: Hold the straight axis podhmatem shoulder-width apart. During the entire exercise, hold your chest high, shoulders back and your elbows at your sides. The axis lying on her thighs and arms stretched exhale, Shrink biceps and without rocking or movement of the body begin to pull the barbell up. Continue lifting dumbbells until you get your hands almost directly in front of the shoulders. Do elbow to vysouval ahead, as this limits the stress of muscular biceps and shoulders allows for the participation in the work. Shrink heavily biceps, then inhale slowly lower the dumbbell back to the starting position. Repeat. Before starting the next repetition loosen the biceps.

Training tip: If you feel pain in the wrist or forearm, try to place equal axis EZ-barbell.Electromyographic study (EMG) showed that slightly narrower grip biceps stimulates a greater extent than the wide grip.

2 Hammer Curls with dumbbell
3 dumbbell curl on an inclined bench
4 curls with support elbow
5 Pull-ups


6 French pressure supine
7 narrow grip bench press
8 Triceps extension with roller over your head
9 Compacting Rollers
10 Triceps pushups

Handles that are similar narrow grip bench press, act simultaneously on several muscle groups (triceps, chest, shoulders). However, if you are doing exactly, you can amplify involvement triceps and limit the role of the surrounding muscles.

Design: Choose a location on the parallel bars, or between two benches like the picture, keep your hands behind the body, turning backwards. With taut but nepropnutými arms and the torso slowly go down until you reach a 90 degree angle at the elbow. You have to feel good at the triceps stretch. Strength triceps push the body back up to full arm extension.

Training tip: As it comes to cooperation muscles of the chest and shoulders, the most important is a training technique. The maximum involvement of the triceps is done by you during exercise to keep the torso upright as much as possible (on the parallel bars far forward, or drop foot for seating muscles). Try to also keep the elbows close to the body and back, not spread to the sides
when i train biceps, i try not to twist/supinate my wrist and keep my palm facing the ceiling always, rather then facing my side as i come down, keep the tension on the biceps throughout the entire movement this way, just thought i would share that