boldanone acetate 200mg/ml have some questions


New member
Hey bros I've been getting good advice here and it's mucho appreciated. I've cooked eq a dozen times and easy breast however I'm nervous about making this acetate at 200mg does anyone know if the standard eq recipe of 2%ba 18%bb with just cotton seed oil will work? I do have an extra 20ml of guaicol that I could add to it. Any experience on mixing and dosing would be helpful and thanks again for all your time
i just approved this post, not sure why your posts are being moderated brutha, but i fixed this one and now everyone can see this thread
Dude dont even think about running bold acetate at 200mg/ml. It will destroy you. Obviously youve never used the compound or youd know it's the worst pip ever. I made it at 100mg/ml and it have a major knot and fever. Its unfortunately not really a usable compound. It has always had a bad rep. I didnt listen and purchased 100grams of each bold ace and prop. Both are torture. Cyp is not bad.
I may try it at 75 mg/ml in a blend with bold undec.
Too bad because it sounds like it would be a great compound. Maybe somebody else knows something I don't.