Ephedrine information and Dosages


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Overview and History of Ephedrine

Ephedrine is not an anabolic steroid, but instead belongs to a particular category of compounds known as sympathomimetics (more commonly known as stimulants). It is a sympathomimetic amine that acts upon both the alpha and beta adrenoreceptors. This makes Ephedrine an alpha and beta adrenergic receptor agonist. In contrast to Clenbuterol, another similar sympathomimetic, Clenbuterol is much more selective as it almost exclusively targets the beta-2 adrenoreceptors in the body. Ephedrine is a member of a large family of these sympathomimetic stimulant compounds, which includes others such as: Caffeine, Albuterol, Ephedrine, Dextroamphetamine, Methamphetamine, Cocaine, and many others. It is a very broad category of compounds. All of these compounds, which include Caffeine, Albuterol, Clenbuterol, Ephedrine, Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, and so on and so forth, are all related to one another and could be considered siblings or ‘cousins’ to each other. Because of this they are related in many ways and carry many similarities.

All of the mentioned compounds (stimulants/sympathomimetics) will act upon the nervous system and essentially increase the activity of the CNS (Central Nervous System), among other effects[1]. Ephedrine will also increase the secretion of Norepinephrine (also known as Noradrenaline) in the body, which will further assist to act upon alpha and beta receptors in the body. The actions that Ephedrine has upon the alpha and beta receptors will trigger different effects in different cell types and tissues in the body. For example, much like Clenbuterol, Ephedrine when acting upon the alpha and beta receptors of the cells lining the bronchial pathways, will cause bronchial dilation (the opening of the bronchial pathways). This is especially important for asthma patients, which Ephedrine has been used for in traditional Chinese medicine for hundreds of years[2]. When Ephedrine acts upon the alpha and beta receptors of fat cells, it will initiate the process of lipolysis (fat breakdown) whereby free fatty acids are mobilized and released from the fat cell for consumption by the body as fuel/energy. The actions of Ephedrine upon the CNS will also increase the ability to generate nerve impulses more efficiently, and therefore allow the user to generate stronger and more forceful muscle contractions (often very beneficial for weight training, power lifters, and bodybuilders). As one can easily see, the applications of Ephedrine go far beyond the scope of simple fat loss.

As a fat loss agent, Ephedrine is perhaps on par with Clen in popularity and is perhaps even more commonly known than Clenbuterol. Ephedrine as a compound and medication has been known to man for thousands of years, and is considered a very old medicine. It has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years and its use dates back in China to the Han Dynasty[3]. In china it is known as Ma Huang, and was used in its natural form from the Ephedra Sinica (known in China as ‘Ma Huang’) plant, which contains the active compound Ephedrine within it. The synthesis of Ephedrine was performed in 1885 by Japanese chemist Nagi Nagayoshi, and the industrial mass-scale manufacture of Ephedrine in China was underway in the 1920s by the pharmaceutical company Merck[4].

In North America and the United States, Ephedrine has been used for various medical application over several decades, which includes its use as a stimulant, nasal decongestant, appetite suppressant, as well as other applications. While it once was an over-the-counter (OTC) item in the United States, it is now a behind-the-counter (BTC) medication in most states. Contrary to popular belief, the increased controls over Ephedrine throughout the 2000s was not because of its responsibility for a handful of deaths in users utilizing it as a fat burning drug, but because Ephedrine serves as a key ingredient in the synthesis of methamphetamines. Therefore, many states have enacted state level laws controlling the sale of Ephedrine. In 2006, for example, federal legislation on Ephedrine was enacted which required records to be kept of Ephedrine sales in the United States due to the increase of underground illicit methamphetamine laboratories and methamphetamine use/addiction. Despite the controls and restrictions, it is still available for purchase in most US states, though various states hold tighter controls over it than others.

Chemical Characteristics of Ephedrine

Ephedrine belongs to the class of sympathomimetic drugs, and is a sympathomimetic amine. It is very closely related to amphetamine and methamphetamine, and holds similar effects on animal physiology, though to a lesser extent in many cases.

Properties of Ephedrine

Ephedrine will exhibit various effects on the body through its ability to directly interact with alpha and beta receptors, as well as its ability to enable the increased secretion of Norepinephrine[5]. The best analogy to use in terms of Ephedrine’s activity in the body would be its comparison to Clenbuterol in relation to a hammer and nails analogy: Clenbuterol’s action of selectively activating Beta-2 receptors is the equivalent of having several nails sticking out of a wooden surface, and a hammer is used to hammer one specific nail on the head, while Ephedrine is the equivalent of using a larger sledgehammer to hit multiple nails on the head to drive them into the wood. Although not a perfect analogy, this explains Ephedrine’s activity with a fair amount of accuracy. Through its activity with the alpha and beta receptors, as described earlier, it will initiate the process of fat loss in fat cells in the body. Its interaction with the same receptor types on other cells, such as the CNS, will increase the ability for additional force generation by skeletal muscles and thereby improve performance in a more short-term immediate sense.

Chemical Name: (R*,S*)-2-(methylamino)-1-phenylpropan-1-ol
Molecular Weight: 165.23 g/mol
Formula: C10H15NO
Original Manufacturer: Merck
Half Life: 3 – 6 hours
Detection Time: 5 days
Anabolic Rating: N/A
Androgenic Rating: N/A


Ephedrine References:

[1] Dopamine-mediated actions of ephedrine in the rat substantia nigra. Munhall AC, Johnson SW. (2006). Brain Res. 1069 (1 ): 96-103. PMID 16386715

[2] Ford MD, Delaney KA, Ling LJ, Erickson T, editors. Clinical Toxicology. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 2001. ISBN 0-7216-5485-1 Research Laboratories; 1996. ISBN 0-911910-12-3

[3] Principles of Addictions and the Law: Applications in Forensic, Mental Health, and Medical Practice. Norman S. Miller (26 February 2010). Academic Press. p. 307. ISBN 978-0-12-496736-6.

[4] Narcotic Culture: A History of Drugs in China. Frank Dikotter (16 April 2004). University of Chicago Press. p. 199. ISBN 978-0-226-14905-9.

[5] Merck Manuals > EPHEDrine Last full review/revision January 2010.

[h=1]Ephedrine Dosage & Side Effects[/h]
Ephedrine, like nearly all sympathomimetics and stimulants where fat loss is concerned, does not exhibit much flexibility and/or variety in its dosing scheme or even how it can be cycled. Although Ephedrine does hold a small degree of application outside of fat loss goals, the main focus of Ephedrine doses within bodybuilding and athletics is that of fat loss. In this sense, Ephedrine is utilized almost exclusively as a fat loss agent. Even within its application as an energy booster or temporary strength performance booster, these are merely secondary side-benefits for most people who tend to use it for fat loss.

Unlike Clenbuterol, Ephedrine dosages are measured in the more common mg (milligram) measurement rather than the mcg (microgram) measurement that Clenbuterol uses. When Ephedrine was openly sold as a fat loss supplement in the supplement stores, Ephedrine doses could be commonly found in 25mg or 50mg tablets (or a proprietary blend within capsules that would contain 25 – 50mg of Ephedrine within it). Due to the increasing restrictions on Ephedrine sale during the 2000s, Ephedrine can still be purchased in states where it is more readily available, but might be limited to very small amounts per tablet (4mg tablets, for example). Outside of the United States, Ephedrine doses can commonly be found in its 25 – 50mg tablet range. In Canada, Ephedrine can be bought and sold openly and freely as long as it is in concentrations no greater than 8mg per tablet.

Ephedrine is also often combined with caffeine for its synergistic effect in enhancing the fat loss effects, and has demonstrated in studies to promote moderate fat loss in obese individuals[1] [2] and has even demonstrated to enhance fat loss by an extra 1kg/month on average[3]. Furthermore, the use of Ephedrine both with and without caffeine has been shown to be safe and effective when utilized properly and diligently, as evidenced by studies[4] [5]. An average of 200mg of caffeine is normally utilized alongside each application of Ephedrine. This is commonly known as the EC stack or E/C stack (Ephedrine and caffeine stack). Furthermore, Aspirin is often combined with it, which is also commonly known as the ECA stack or E/C/A stack. However, the use of Aspirin is very questionable due to conflicting theories and a lack of clinical data to support it, and does present a greater degree of health risks during use, especially in those whom blood thinners such as Aspirin would present issues. It is for this reason that many will simply utilize Ephedrine as the EC stack without the A (Aspirin).

Medical Ephedrine Dosage

Ephedrine doses within the medical establishment are for the purpose of treating nasal congestion, asthma, and bronchitis, as well as acting as a treatment for seasickness. For the purpose of treating nasal congestion, asthma, and bronchitis, the recommended Ephedrine doses are approximately 8mg administered once every several hours, not exceeding 24mg in one day. For the purpose of treating seasickness, Ephedrine is often combined with Promethazine where Ephedrine doses are 25mg alongside 25mg of Promethazine. Promethazine is responsible for eliminating the seasickness but tends to present drowsiness and fatigue, which is what Ephedrine is designed to counteract.

Ephedrine Dosage for Fat Loss

Ephedrine is used almost exclusively as a fat loss agent, and as such, the target effective Ephedrine doses are normally the equivalent for all users (beginners, intermediates, and advanced). Ephedrine doses must often be slowly ramped upwards over a period of several days until the full peak dose is reached, after which the user will remain on this peak dose for the duration use. Because Ephedrine is a stimulant, rapid increases of Ephedrine doses (or immediate full administration of the peak dose) can often be extremely discomforting and even fatal for the user. Therefore, it is strongly advised that individuals slowly increase their Ephedrine doses steadily over a period of days, slowly working up to the desired peak dose (this is what was previously referred to as the ramp-up, or ramping up). What one person’s optimal and comfortable dose is may often not be the same for a different individual, and is often due to body weight, gender type, and size.

A peak fat burning dose for Ephedrine would typically be in the range of 50 – 150mg per day, split into 2 – 3 doses throughout the day (spread evenly apart due to Ephedrine’s shorter half-life of 3 – 6 hours). An example of this would be:

Ephedrine use at 90mg/day total (peak dose)
– 8:00am: 30mg of Ephedrine
– 12:00pm: 30mg of Ephedrine
– 3:00pm: 30mg of Ephedrine

If caffeine is utilized with Ephedrine, a typical dose of 200mg of caffeine would typically be taken with each application of Ephedrine. In this example, the peak daily Ephedrine dose is 90mg/day and the peak application dose of Ephedrine is 30mg. As previously mentioned, it is very crucial that individuals slowly ramp the dose upwards especially if they are a beginner or are very sensitive to stimulants.

Outline of Proper Ramp-Up Dosing Protocol (for Ephedrine at 90mg/day total peak dose)
– Day 1: 10mg of Ephedrine in each application (3 applications daily)
– Day 6: 20mg of Ephedrine in each application (3 applications daily)
– Day 12: 30mg of Ephedrine in each application (3 applications daily)
The user now remains at 90mg/day (or 30mg of Ephedrine 3 times per day) for the duration of the Ephedrine cycle

There are individuals who exhibit reduced sensitivities to Ephedrine (and to most stimulants), and these individuals may be able to increase their dose faster and in greater amounts (i.e. every three days instead of every six days as listed). The opposite of this condition is also true for those with hypersensitivity to Ephedrine and related stimulants, where the slow ramp-up dosing scheme may require a slower less frequent increase of Ephedrine doses.

Female Ephedrine Dosages

The female response to Ephedrine is, for the most part, the exact same as the male response to Ephedrine doses. The only notable difference is the fact that females possess a smaller overall body mass and body weight than males do, and this could possibly affect both the sensitivity to Ephedrine as well as the peak dose required. The peak dose required for females, due to smaller body weight and body mass, is often lower. With this being said, it is important to note that Ephedrine doses are not set-in-stone, and are commonly open to adjustment and personalization according to the individual.

Proper Administration and Timing of Ephedrine Doses

Ephedrine exhibits a half-life of 3 – 6 hours, which would necessitate multiple daily doses spread evenly apart. The common protocol in this regard is, on average, 2 – 3 applications per day as outlined previously. This should maintain steady and stable blood levels so that its effects are constant and steady.

Expectations and Results from Ephedrine Dosages

Ephedrine will provide, in most people, an appetite suppressing effect that should aid in the ability to adhere much better to a strict nutritional regimen that should normally be a caloric deficit so as to initiate fat loss that the Ephedrine will then carry along. Following this, Ephedrine should provide assisted fat loss throughout its use in combination with a nutrition regime favors fat loss. The expected fat loss as a result of Ephedrine’s assistance can vary between individuals, but studies referenced earlier have demonstrated an additional 2.2 lbs. per month compared to placebos.

Ephedrine Side Effects

Because Ephedrine is a sympathomimetic amine and a stimulant, Ephedrine side effects are identical to those of any other stimulant compound. All compounds that are members of the stimulant family of drugs (for example, Caffeine, Clenbuterol, Albuterol, Cocaine, Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, etc.) will all exhibit the same side effects, more or less. This is to say that although all are stimulants and therefore share the same types of side effects, some of them will exhibit more of a particular side effect than others, and this includes the level of intensity of some side effects. The best possible example would be the comparison between Clenbuterol side effects and Ephedrine side effects, whereby both will normally exhibit tremors (shaky hands), but this is commonly reported to be more pronounced with Clenbuterol than it is with Ephedrine. In fact, many users anecdotally report that tremors and shaking might not be experienced at all.

General Ephedrine side effects will include the potential side effects of all CNS stimulants. These include: tremors (shaky hands), insomnia, sweating, headaches, heightened blood pressure, dizziness, and nausea. Stimulants like Ephedrine also exhibit the potential for some side effects that are not commonly listed, such as psychological side effects. These psychological side effects can include: anxiety, heightened euphoric sensation (improved mood), and depression (resulting from a possible ‘stimulant crash’ following cessation of use). The less common and rarer side effects associated with stimulants (predominantly associated with overdoses) include: tachycardia (rapid heart rate), irregular heart rate, rapid breathing, severe nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Because Ephedrine is considered a much stronger and more pronounced stimulant than caffeine, a common guideline for individuals approaching or considering Ephedrine use for the first time is the suggestion that individuals who do not take well to the effects of caffeine should likely avoid the use of Ephedrine, as its effects are much stronger in nature. Similarly, those who find other stimulants such as caffeine to be very tolerable and/or minor will likely be able to tolerate the stimulant effects of Ephedrine better than most.

Ephedrine side effects include severe and distinct appetite suppression, more so than other stimulants (even Clenbuterol in most cases). The appetite suppressing ability of Ephedrine is commonly welcomed during periods of dieting for obvious reasons, and is actually often a common ingredient in prescription appetite suppressants that include Ephedrine as one of multiple ingredients in them. Because of Ephedrine’s nature as a stimulant and its effects on the CNS, blood pressure, and the cardiovascular system in general, it is highly advisable that any individual considering Ephedrine use should undergo various medical tests in order to confirm or disqualify the existence of any underlying medical or congenital diseases/conditions (especially where cardiac tissue is concerned) that could be worsened by Ephedrine use. If an individual considering Ephedrine is knowingly suffering from (or has a history of) cardiac issues, elevated blood pressure problems, or thyroid problems, he/she should refrain from Ephedrine use at all costs.

Ephedrine References:

[1] “In total, these suggest that herbal ephedra/caffeine herbal supplements, when used as directed by healthy overweight men and women in combination with healthy diet and exercise habits, may be beneficial for weight reduction without significantly increased risk of adverse events.” C N Boozer1, P A Daly, P Home, J L Solomon, D Blanchard, J A Nasser, R Strauss and T Meredith “Herbal ephedra/caffeine for weight loss: a 6-month randomized safety and efficacy trial” Int J Obes May 2002, Volume 26, Number 5, Pages 593-604.

[2] Ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin: safety and efficacy for treatment of human obesity. Daly PA, Krieger DR, Dulloo AG, Young JB, Landsberg L. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 1993 Feb;17 Suppl 1:S73-8.

[3] “Efficacy and Safety of Ephedra and Ephedrine for Weight Loss and Athletic Performance: A Meta-analysis”. Paul G. Shekelle, MD, PhD; Mary L. Hardy, MD; Sally C. Morton, PhD; Margaret Maglione, MPP; Walter A. Mojica, MD, MPH; Marika J. Suttorp, MS; Shannon L. Rhodes, MFA; Lara Jungvig, BA; James Gagné, MD JAMA. 2003;289:1537-1545.

[4] “In total, these suggest that herbal ephedra/caffeine herbal supplements, when used as directed by healthy overweight men and women in combination with healthy diet and exercise habits, may be beneficial for weight reduction without significantly increased risk of adverse events.” C N Boozer1, P A Daly, P Home, J L Solomon, D Blanchard, J A Nasser, R Strauss and T Meredith “Herbal ephedra/caffeine for weight loss: a 6-month randomized safety and efficacy trial” Int J Obes May 2002, Volume 26, Number 5, Pages 593-604.

[5] An herbal supplement containing Ma Huang-Guarana for weight loss: a randomized, double-blind trial. Boozer CN, Nasser JA, Heymsfield SB, Wang V, Chen G, Solomon JL. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord., 2001 Mar;25(3):316-24.

[h=1]Ephedrine Cycle[/h]
Ephedrine, as previously touched upon, is a compound that holds very limited use. This is because it is essentially restricted to the role of a fat loss agent. Various athletes involved in speed and strength sports (notably, power lifters) have been known to run Ephedrine cycles as a pre-workout or pre-event/competition stimulant in order to gain a temporary boost in small but notable strength gains, including its ability to increase energy. The result is often a temporary increase in performance and the total weight lifted in major exercises and events. It is important to note, however, that athletes who utilize Ephedrine in such a manner are not frequently conducting full Ephedrine cycles, but are instead using it on an infrequent basis (2 – 3 times weekly prior to workouts at 25 – 50mg). Due to the stimulant nature of Ephedrine and its close relation to amphetamines, Ephedrine is notable for its ability to provide a mental edge which also adds to increased performance resulting from concentration and cognitive increases.

Ephedrine cycles should be conducted for periods of no longer than 2 – 4 weeks at a time, especially when utilized continuously which is what is normally done (and should be done) when Ephedrine is utilized for the purpose of fat loss. This is because of the ability for Ephedrine to down regulate the alpha and beta receptors it works to act upon in order to exert its stimulant and fat loss effects. Although an individual could utilize a drug such as Ketotifen to up regulate beta-2 receptors[1], it should be noted that the use of such a compound will do nothing to up regulate alpha receptors or any other beta receptor types aside from the beta-2 receptors. This is why Ketotifen is commonly used only with selective beta-2 agonist compounds such as Clenbuterol, which specifically and exclusively target beta-2 receptors (as the name implies). Remember that Ephedrine is an alpha and beta receptor agonist. Therefore, Ephedrine cycles should be halted after approximately 4 weeks followed by an equal amount of time off of the drug so as to ensure thorough up regulation of receptors before resuming any Ephedrine cycles.

Ephedrine rarely finds its place in bulking or lean mass cycles with the exception of its use as a pre-workout stimulant, as previously described. Otherwise, Ephedrine cycles are best suited for fat loss, cutting cycles, and generally periods of leaning out. Ephedrine can easily be combined with anabolic steroids or other non-stimulant based fat burning compounds, such as T3 (thyroid hormone) or Human Growth Hormone (HGH). It is imperative that Ephedrine not be combined with regular use of fat loss doses of Clenbuterol, Albuterol, or any other stimulants aside from caffeine due to the compounding effect of these stimulants on the body. Negative cardiovascular effects as well as excessive stress on the CNS (Central Nervous System) can result and this should be avoided at all costs.

Examples of an Ephedrine Cycle

Sample Ephedrine Cycle #1 (12 weeks total cycle time)
Weeks 1-12:
– Testosterone Cypionate at 300mg/week
– Trenbolone Enanthate at 400mg/week
Weeks 1-4 and 8-12:
– Ephedrine at 90mg/day (peak dose)
– Caffeine at 600mg/day (200mg taken with each Ephedrine dose)

This Ephedrine cycle is an example of basic implementation of Ephedrine over the course of a longer cycle length (12 weeks). Testosterone and Trenbolone are the anabolic steroids of choice in this cycle (both the longer estered variants of both), where Trenbolone is very notable for its strong nutrient partitioning effects. This would allow further fat loss on such a cycle.

Sample Ephedrine cycle #2 (8 weeks total cycle time)

Weeks 1-8:
– Testosterone Propionate at 100mg/week (25mg every other day)
– Trenbolone Acetate at 200mg/week (50mg every other day)
– Anavar at 80mg/day
Weeks 4-8:
– Ephedrine at 90mg/day (peak dose)
– Caffeine at 600mg/day (200mg taken with each Ephedrine dose)

Sample Ephedrine cycle #2 presents shorter overall cycle lengths with Ephedrine implemented only in the final 4 weeks of the cycle so as to accelerate fat loss in the last half of the cycle before the end. This is, for example, a method commonly utilized by some competitive bodybuilders that will insert the fat loss compound into a cycle within the final weeks in order to assist in ridding the body of the “stubborn fat”. Every compound selected in this cycle (and the doses used) is normally suited for a fat loss goal and/or pre-competition.

Sample Ephedrine cycle #3 (8 weeks total cycle time)
Weeks 1-8:
– Testosterone Propionate at 100mg/week (25mg every other day)
– Trenbolone Acetate at 200mg/week (50mg every other day)
– Drostanolone Propionate (Masteron) at 400mg/week (100mg every other day)
– T3 at 75 – 100mcg/day
Weeks: 1-2, 5-6, 8+:
– Ephedrine at 90mg/day (peak dose)
– Caffeine at 600mg/day (200mg taken with each Ephedrine dose)

This third sample Ephedrine cycle is designed to demonstrate three key points. The first point is the ability for Ephedrine to be utilized in shorter bursts of 2 weeks at a time, followed with 2 weeks off Ephedrine, and then back on it for 2 weeks. This is in contrast with the previous examples of 4 weeks on followed by 4 weeks off. The second point is that Ephedrine use can extend beyond the end of any anabolic steroid cycle. The third key point is the addition of an assisting fat loss agent, T3.

[1] Effects of ketotifen and Clenbuterol on beta-adrenergic receptor functions of lymphocytes and on plasma TXB-2 levels of asthmatic patients. Huszar E, Herjavecz I, Boszormenyi-Nagy G, Slapke J, Schreiber J, Debreczeni LA. Z Erkr Atmungsorgane. 1990;175(3):141-6.
very very good post brutha! 90mg is a lot of ephedrine but not so bad spread out the way they have it here,