Letrozone (Letrozole), should it be used as treatment in Post Cycle Therapy?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
It is not hard to build big muscles while taking a lot of steroids. During your steroid cycle you feel big, strong and grow like a weed! But once you discontinue the use of the drugs and try to resume a normal life, you find yourself unmotivated, weak and losing mass daily. It’s a shame to waste good money and muscle because you don’t have a proper Post Cycle protocol (know as post cycle therapy or PCT) to follow.When post cycle depression and muscle catabolism hits your body, your system is in hormonal shock and you feel your strength fade away along with your muscle tone. The main reason for this quick loss of muscle mass, once you stop using steroids, is the sudden shift to an internal environment with less androgen hormones. When you have less androgens in your system your muscle cell are just not receiving the stimuli necessary to hold on to huge amounts of mass.

Not only is most of your muscle lost after the cycle, but you will also gain a lot of fat around your midsection and chest. The shift to higher levels of estrogen and cortisol after a cycle means that your body is more likely to build up fat stores. Cortisol acts like a stress hormone making your muscle cells dump their stored energy while signaling fat cells in your oblique and belly button area to take in energy for storage and grow (fatter). That’s literally what gym bros call “turning muscle into fat.”

LetroZone contains ingredients like 11-oxo that keep cortisol low, it has Formestane and Arimistane to keep estrogen low, and it contains natural plant SERMs (selective estrogen receptor modulators) that are meant to ease recovery of natural hormone levels. Letrozone has quickly become a go-to item for bodybuilders needing estrogen control during cycle, and now more are discovering the benefits of LetroZone during Post Cycle Therapy (PCT).

Author: Albert Wolfgang
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I use Letro , works well! Same as our Anti-estro in our store at www.musclechemadvancedsupps.com most people dont know what equates to what, but if you look at the dosags of the store products you can easily see what is what. Example our anti-estro is 2.5mg/ml which is the most popular dosage of letrozole.
I always keep MC's anti-p on hand , as i like how it helps with water retention. I read an article on how Letrozone can be comparable to winstrol, does MC store have something that is comparable to Letrozone, which in return could be comparable to winstrol?

I will try to find the article comparing Letrozone to Winstrol and post it.