Top Ten Facts about Masteron


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Masteron is ideal for stacking

Deca and Dianabol are usually stacked with Mastabol for optimized results.

Masteron needs to be injected at a high frequency

As Drostanolone moves around the human body fast, users need to inject at least 2 times per week to ensure blood levels working effectively.

Masteron does not aromatize

Gynecomastia is the worst fear anabolic steroids users. Considered by most as an anti-estrogenic, Drostanolone will not cause water retention or gyno.

Masteron will not cause hair loss

Don’t you worry about losing your hair with Mastabol. As a DHT derivative, Drostanolone might actually help you with your hair problem if you have a degrading hairline.

Masteron will not interrupt liver function

As a fast-dissolving injectable anabolic steroids, Drostanolone should be a safe bet for users who are concerned about liver function being compromised.

Masteron will not elevate blood pressure

One of the most common issue about lots of popular anabolic steroids is potential harm to cardiovascular system. This is not the case with
Mastabol and that’s the reason why it is considered to be an anabolic steroid with minimal side effects.

Masteron is not good for skin

If you have skin problems such as acne or pockmarks, Drostanolone might not be suitable for you.

Masteron works in low dose

Unlike most other testosterone that needed to be taken with high dose to see noticeable results, with Mastabol you only need to take around 300 to 450 mg/week to see desired results.

Masteron will not cause water retention

Water retention is one of the most common side effects for anabolic steroids. However, Drostanolone will dry you out and hence, it could be use for leaning purposes.

Masteron is fast acting

Mastabol has an active life of approx 60 hours.
