Weight Loss ?!?!


New member
Hi Ladies...
I have another question. My first year in college, I gained what many like to call the Freshman 15...but in my case it was only 10...which was MORE than enough for my 5 foot frame. More than 2 years later, I have since lost the weight.
My question is, where do each of you see your weight loss? I would have loved to see the difference in my a$$ and thighs, however, it was all in my upper body, mostly, my chest. :mad: I literally went a full cup size down... Is this common, and/or is there any way of preventing it?!!?
me ex had the same thing happen--sorry to tell you this but your body is going to pull fat stores from easy places like your boobs--the harder to get fat cells in the hips and ass take time or lipo--nothing you could have really done--aside from a boob job
There maybe hope. I lost 30 lbs about 2 years ago, and was still losing BF, my boobs kept getting smaller and smaller....now they are bigger...lol. I am still lossing BF and working out just as hard as ever, but its like they went back to where they were (well, not quit, but a girl can dream can't she...hehe) Its like I woke up one day and I was falling out of my smaller bra. So maybe yours will get closer to where they were....or maybe I am just really lucky.
I recently went on a cutting cycle.. and I lost 2%bf... all in my face and upper back of all places.. not that that is a bad place to loose.. but i dont really loose in the chest area too quickly, (suppose for some thats a good thing) and of course the hips is the last :mad:
Do any of you find it hard to loose in the upper arm area? I seem to have a problem getting cut there.
as for the 'pill', if they increase breast size, generally they increase everything else.
There is a natural supplement on the market for increasing breast size, but I cant remember the name of it.
Not sure if it works either, sounds like another fad gimick to me.
As for the implants, I'm still a lowly broke college girl....I was bitching about buying 5 new bras at Victoria Secrets, let alone a boob job!
My boyfriend has already suggested the creams and pills, but the advertisements seem soo cheesey in the magazines.....Has anyone had ANY experiences with them?
My next venture is buying those silicone cup things for the inside of your bra!!!!!