LADIES!!! Need anavar info.


New member
Hey gals. My girl wants to run an anavar cycle. I have no experience with anavar so I come to you.
1. Can you provide a good female cycle?
2. I want to use SpA, but it's $$$. Anybody used TT or Chinese Lab(not EyePee)? Results?
3. How were the fat burning properties for you?
4. Mood?
Hey bro Do a seach an anavar lots of old threads with info for you!
Most woman do very well on anavar. However, there are many threads going aorund the woman's AS boards, that talk about anavar being winny or even dbol when it is tested.

I myself wanted anavar and primo, but my source does not carry it. I have been taking low doses of winny and EQ, and have no had any side effects from it all. Mind you, it has only been two weeks, so I am getting impatient since I have seen no changes in anything yet.

People say steroids do not burn fat. I am not in the position to say yes or no right now about it. I do believe it contributes a great deal to fat loss when used in a proper diet and training program though. However, I think that you already know that. Anavar does cause sides in some woman, but it is not supposed to be as likely as with gear such as winny.
There is not much info AT ALL from woman themselves. I know that myself personally, do not feel totally comfortable taking advise from men on how woman should cycle gear. I have spent weeks researching anything and everything I can get my hands on. After all the research, I feel more confused then ever on what a woman can cycle and how she should cycle it. I have decided to go ahead with a great deal of caution and use the knowledge I have gained to the best of my ability.

I do think that I am under dosing the winny, but I would sooner have to pull my hair out waiting for side effects then to have it fall out all by itself from side effects. I have been keeping a journal that covers everything from measurements and changes during my first cycle. It has all my dosages and dates the shots and where I did the shots.

Since I am only two weeks into my cycle, I cannot be of much help to anyone else. However, I certainly do hope that eventually other woman can be helped by what I have learned myself.
I used TT anavar and loved it. I did 10 mg ED for 6 weeks then the last two weeks I went up to 15mg ED. Some say they don't like TT but it worked great for me. I saw excellent results. Alot of lean muscle and my strength increased considerably. As for fat burning properties, I really didn't diet as I should have and I still kept lean and hard. It was awesome, I couldn't imagine the results I would get now if I would have half tried a clean diet. Hope this helps :)

oh yeah...MOOD?? I felt good as hell!!!!:D :D My body was looking good so I felt on top of the world. I didn't get angry or aggressive in any way. :) Nothing negative in that aspect.
Thanks Fly for adding in, seams some "Women" (bossmann)
just need to hear it from their equals! ;)

Chemical Evolution said:
Thanks Fly for adding in, seams some "Women" (bossmann)
just need to hear it from their equals! ;)


Alright CE, you've hurt my feelin's. :( You are what you eat. ;) :D

We haven't had time to really go over the FAQ's on all the boards together which is what I want to do before she does anything. She's doing clen now, but that's the extent of her "supplement" use. She is very interested, but still needs to learn more. I don't want her to feel like I put her on Anavar, it should be her decision.

BTW- Our relationship is better now than it's ever been. We don't know what we'd do without one another. She's the one and she knows it too. I can't thank you enough for your 'pick me up' a while back.

I've seen your pics. Looks like TT did you very well! :cool: Thanks for the input.

PS-CE, I'll get you back when you least expect it! ;)
bossmann said:

Alright CE, you've hurt my feelin's. :( You are what you eat. ;) :D

PS-CE, I'll get you back when you least expect it! ;)

I whouldnt have it any other way ;)
BossMan -- firstly you are very welcome for the advice -- some of the advice you got from others -- were purely just emotions talking and not about thinking it through rationally. But I also believe that you and she -- already knew the answers but somehow just did not communicate them to one another.

As for her cycle -- better to postpone until she does all of her own work...and I think you are right -- in the end if it did not work out, you would feel horribly and equally she would feel like she let herself down in not doing the legwork herself.

Glad to hear things are back on track. That old, sappy romantic in me is certainly grinning.
gee and after all the great advise i thought i gave you :) J/K. Hey that one source i sent you does carry both you know.... !!

my2rotties said:
There is not much info AT ALL from woman themselves. I know that myself personally, do not feel totally comfortable taking advise from men on how woman should cycle gear. I have spent weeks researching anything and everything I can get my hands on. After all the research, I feel more confused then ever on what a woman can cycle and how she should cycle it. I have decided to go ahead with a great deal of caution and use the knowledge I have gained to the best of my ability.

I do think that I am under dosing the winny, but I would sooner have to pull my hair out waiting for side effects then to have it fall out all by itself from side effects. I have been keeping a journal that covers everything from measurements and changes during my first cycle. It has all my dosages and dates the shots and where I did the shots.

Since I am only two weeks into my cycle, I cannot be of much help to anyone else. However, I certainly do hope that eventually other woman can be helped by what I have learned myself.
bossmann said:

I've seen your pics. Looks like TT did you very well! :cool: Thanks for the input.

I have to be honest.....I haven't taken anavar in well over those pics that is me.....natural. But I guess you can say i kept alot of my gains from last year :)
I am at the end of TT right now.....I am liking it. I started out at 10mg ED and this week and next week at 15mg (just like fly :) ) No real mood swings from it...but I have had a little bit of acne from it...I normaly have a very clear complextion....and I have had a few breakouts..but nothing to bad.