Pre and Post Workout Nutrition


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
<header style="box-sizing: content-box;">[h=1]Pre and Post Workout Nutrition for Bodybuilders[/h]A quick rundown of what to do and when to do it.

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Pre- and postworkout are the most important times to eat and supplement for maximum gains. Here, we focus on the basics — protein and carbs, the two most critical nutrients of your pre- and post-workout meals — and break them down into three categories: gold (best), silver (second best) and bronze (you get the point).

GOLD: Supplement Combo
WHEY PROTEIN — Fastest-digesting protein available
WHEN: Within 30 minutes before workouts
WHY: To boost energy during your workout, decrease muscle breakdown, and enhance recovery and muscle growth post-workout.
HOW MUCH: 20 grams
WAXY MAIZE — A slow-digesting, complex carbohydrate product
WHEN: Within 30 minutes before workouts (mix with whey protein)
WHY: Provides long-lasting energy that won’t inhibit fat burning during the workout.
HOW MUCH: 20-40 g
SILVER: Supp/Food Combo
WHEY PROTEIN — See above
APPLE — A slowdigesting carb
WHEN: Within 30 minutes before workouts
WHY: Slow-digesting fruits provide long-lasting energy for the workout and won’t inhibit fat burning. Polyphenols in apples can enhance fat burning and muscle strength.
HOW MUCH: 1 large (110 calories, 0 g protein, 30 g carbs, 0 g fat)
BRONZE: All Food
CHUNK LIGHT TUNA — A low-fat, faster-digesting, whole-food protein
WHEN: About 60 minutes before workouts
WHY: Whole food takes longer to digest than whey, so you’ll need to give yourself a solid hour before training to get some of that protein digesting.
HOW MUCH: 5-oz can mixed with 1 tbsp fat-free mayo (136 calories, 28 g protein, 2 g carbs, 1 g fat)
ORANGE — A slow-digesting carb
WHEN: 30-60 minutes before workouts
WHY: Long-lasting energy for workouts that won’t inhibit fat burning. Vitamin C in oranges can boost nitric oxide levels.
HOW MUCH: 1 large (86 calories, 2 g protein, 22 g carbs, 0 g fat)

GOLD: Supplement Combo
WHEY PROTEIN — Fastest-digesting protein available
WHEN: Within 30 minutes after workouts
WHY: Critical for boosting muscle growth.
HOW MUCH: 20 g
CASEIN PROTEIN — A slow-digesting protein
WHEN: Within 30 minutes after workouts
WHY: Taking casein with whey protein after workouts boosts muscle growth better than whey alone.
HOW MUCH: 20 g
VITARGO — A complex carbohydrate that is actually very fast digesting
WHEN: Within 30 minutes after workouts (mix with protein powders)
WHY: Digests faster than sugar and boosts insulin higher for better recovery and muscle growth after workouts.
HOW MUCH: About 35-70 g
SILVER: Supp/Food Combo
WHEY PROTEIN — See above
HOW MUCH: 40 g
GUMMI BEARS — A fastdigesting candy
WHEN: Within 30 minutes after workouts
WHY: These candies are mostly sugar — they digest rapidly to boost insulin levels and enhance muscle recovery and growth.
HOW MUCH: 20-40 Gummi Bears (135-270 calories, 3-6 g protein, 30-60 g carbs, 0 g fat)
BRONZE: All Food
CHOCOLATE MILK — Milk with chocolate syrup and sugar added to it
WHEN: Within 30 minutes after workouts
WHY: Boosts protein synthesis after workouts almost as well as whey protein. Stick with whole milk — full-fat milk is better at boosting muscle growth than skim or low fat.
HOW MUCH: 3 cups (624 calories, 24 g protein, 78 g carbs, 24 g fat) –

