Iron Game

The more testosterone you give men, the more fat they lose. Canadian and American endocrinologists describe the effect of a study in which they gave fifty healthy men different doses of testosterone enanthate for twenty weeks.

Testosterone increases fat-free mass, and therefore also muscle mass. More muscle mass also often means less fat mass, as muscles consume more energy. The effects of testosterone therapy on body composition are known. But are the effects the same in all parts of the body? This is the question the researchers set out to answer – especially for fat mass. To do this they gave healthy men aged 18-35 a weekly injection of 25, 5-, 125, 300 or 600 mg of testosterone enantate for a period of twenty weeks. They also gave the men a GnRH-agonist that deactivated their own testosterone production.

The weekly doses of 25 and 50 mg testosterone enantate resulted in a lower than normal testosterone level. The 125 mg dose resulted in a more or less normal level, while 300 and 600 mg took the subjects up to supraphysiological levels.

The higher the dose, the more lean body mass the men built up. Lean body mass, or fat free mass, consists of fluid, blood mass, bone mass and muscle mass.